Surface Phone 2018 Andromeda: News, Press Releases


K is Microsoft's most legendary Surface Phone about 2018? Users have been hoping since January 2017, when a Microsoft patent in 2014 appeared on the net. This describes a smartphone that turns into a tablet on demand. Even the CEO of Microsoft was talking about it: In an interview, Satya Nadella showed that a return of Surface Phone is imminent. This is not a normal expected smartphone, but something completely new. Nadella has not described the device concretely, but hints that Microsoft wants to convince users of an innovative concept. However, as in recent months no new speculation has emerged, she was calm around the legendary Gert. Now, The Verge Speaks and Throws a Rumor Fire

According to the E-mail: Surface-Gert on the Back Pocket

According to the report, the US American website leaked an internal email containing the hybrid Surface device for the trouser pocket described. In addition, the statement states that the device, which is internally called Andromeda, creates a new category of disruptive devices that will influence the future development of Surface. He also combines new innovative software and hardware experiences to create a truly personal and flexible experience, he says in the letter. The fundamental goal of Microsoft: tear down the border between the smartphone and the office.

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Processor: Intel or Qualcomm?

The report not only quotes from the e-mail, but also gives details of the device. For example, the Redmond group is currently experimenting with pen input, so the Surface Hybrid can also be used as a foldable digital notebook. Also interesting: Microsoft has not yet decided what type of processor to use in the new device. As a result, both Intel processors and Qualcomm's ARM chips are still running.

Rumors of correspondence in the past

All this corresponds to the previous information. Users of Twitter and Leaker WalkingCat reported in December 2017 that the whiteboard application was talking about a new feature. In the newspaper, the content display should soon extend on two pages at the same time. Specifically, the information was talking about a left side and a right side. No device on the market is able to provide such representation. This heated up the rumor plate via a foldable surface phone. The function seems to fit the phone. This should display the content in its compact form as a smartphone and unfold in its appearance and function as a tablet. Also interesting: The device according to the patent is not only open and foldable, but can also be used in various modes, for example, as a deployable tent. This approach is reminiscent of Lenovo's 2-in-1 Yoga Series

hmm … the Whiteboard application has some references to the "Journal & # 39" application. ;, "left and right page"? 1945

"This is the accessibility title for the newspaper application."

– WalkingCat (@ h0x0d) 8. December 2017

Surface phone: ready hardware?

In February 2018, TheWinCentral also reported that the surface telephones were already finished. As a result, Microsoft internally tested the final prototypes. According to the report, it contained the new Snapdragon 845 from Qualcomm. The high-end chip should bring enough power to the hybrid device. At the time, it looked a little worse around the software. He said that Microsoft is probably still busy with adapting Windows to the combination of smartphone and tablet. Mode transition and simultaneous display of content on two screens is problematic.

Surface-Phone-Release: Presentation still in 2018

If and when Microsoft presents its Surface-Tablet as a smart-phone, it will not work exactly Dis. The report mentions only 2018 as a possible period. One can also wonder if the tablet-smartphone combination is a surface phone on the market. In The Verge's report, the name of the product is not mentioned in any line.

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