Tatort premiere today: That's why Til Schweiger is upset by television broadcasting


Halle (Saale) –

In fact, the Germans have preferred the detective series during the summer holidays. But for Til Schweiger, the ARD interrupts the breakthrough of the "crime": his action-packed crime thriller "Tatort: ​​Tschiller – Off Duty" was already in the cinema and is now seen as a TV premiere in the first.

This corresponds to the pugnacious Schweiger (54) but not at all, the star was complaining about the unpleasant crack of a summer evening, where many spectators have better things to do than to watch "crime scene".

However, the ARD refers to the 130-minute thriller, which can only be shown on a day when the talk show "Anne Will", which usually runs after the "crime scene", vacation. The film scene with Schweiger shot in Germany, Istanbul and Moscow is Sunday at 8:15 pm in the first to see

"Scene: Tschiller – Off Duty" with Til Schweiger is better than his reputation

The eight million d 39 Two years ago, Nick Tschiller, commissioner of Hamburg in Schweiger, shot a very expensive box-office film and proposes a somewhat scandalous plot, but everything is much better than his reputation.

In the pursuit Apart from spectacular shootings and turns, Nick Tschiller is not content to deal once again with his arch-nemesis, Firat Astan (Erdal Yildiz), but must soon face a much bigger thief.

The sinister Turkish gangster boss Süleyman Seker (clbad: Özgür Emre Yildirim) is a villain well dressed in the James Bond format, who pbades on corpses and likes to fall back on a knife blade hidden like crazy Jumping Devil out of the box. The economic model of Sekers is as simple as it is profitable: it kidnaps girls in Istanbul, which it sells to the merchants of the organs in Moscow

"Scene of the crime: Tschiller – Off Duty": the girl Til Schweiger also plays with

Played by the daughter of Til Schweiger, Luna, caught in the clutches of Seker in Istanbul, the determined Commissioner leaves Hamburg for Turkey.

There he plunges into the underworld of Istanbul and becomes the target of gangsters. the various pursuits in the streets and on the roofs of the Turkish metropolis have a quality of cinema.

The sinister Tschiller keeps the upper hand in the confrontations and is not at all intimidated by a temporary stay as a detainee in pre-trial detention. But he can not prevent his daughter from being transported to Moscow with other girls in a container.

Tatort with Til Schweiger: Only 280 000 spectators saw "Tatort: ​​Tschiller – Off Duty" at the cinema

Together with his funny colleagues and friend Yalcin Gümer – Fahri Yardim takes the necessary irony – Tschiller goes to Russia to free Lenny. But this turns out to be a fire hazard because Erzschurke Seker has already made arrangements in Moscow to finally put Tschiller out of circulation.

The film with Til Schweiger was after the two thrillers produced in the eighties "Tooth for Tooth" and "Zabou" with Götz George as a cult mediator Schimanski only the third "crime scene", which was filmed for the big screen, and attracted only 280,000 moviegoers – a blow to success Til Schweiger.

>> "Crime scene: Tschiller – Off Duty": Sunday at 8:15 pm in the first

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