Taynara Wolf Nude: The Ex-GNTM Candidate Draws a Blank in "Playboy"


Taynara Wolf took off for "Playboy."
Image: Philip the Pepa for Playboy August 2018

The casting of Heidi Klum's Pro 7 "Next Top Model of Germany" (GNTM) was made He Taynara Wolf in 2016 only in fifth place. For readers of " Playboy ", it goes to the end. The 21-year-old has dropped the covers for the magazine's August issue and is excited to take pictures of photographer Philip La Pepa in Mallorca. At GNTM, Taynara Wolf was nicknamed "Chick". However, there is no sign of the protection of a hen on "Playboy" images. On the contrary.

Taynara Wolf bad in "Playboy" for August 2018

The "Playboy" images of Taynara Wolf were not problematic in her own words. In an interview with "Playboy", she boldly explains that she has never had a problem with her body. On the contrary, Taynara would find that very pleasant. This should sound good in Heidi Klum's ears. But the old GNTM babe wants more than just strolling on the catwalks and smiling at the camera. Taynara Wolf wants more and more to work as an actress. For example, in the Sat.1 series "All or Nothing".

Taynara Wolf, cover-girl of "Playboy": On these men she is deprived

By the way, Taynara likes it quite conventionally in men, as she reveals in the "Playboy" interview. She dreams of finding the partner she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Their two previous relationships have not brought the desired success. But with 21 years can still happen a lot. By the way: Taynara believes in love at first sight. So men, hold on! Caring, loving and a real protector should be her husband, a bad boy would actually push her off the edge of the bed. Maybe a chick? (Other motifs exclusively under: http://www.playboy.de/stars/die-playmate-des-jahres-2018 )

"Playboy" -Playmate August 2018: Nina Zwick moves in Cape Town in white

By the way, Taynara is in complete opposition with August-Playmate Nina Zwick . The Munich woman does not believe in love at first sight, as she admits in the interview "Playboy". She also has no real type of dream. However, it should look good, as she points out. For her, the most important thing is that she can have fun with a man. But first, men should have fun with her and her pictures taken in Cape Town in the current "Playboy"

Nina Zwick, playmate playmate lives in Munich
Image: Katarina Hildebrandt for Playboy August 2018

More Reasons for Miss August 2018 at: http://www.playboy.de/girls/playmates/veronika-klimovits

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