TBE disorders increase: Germany is threatened with a record year of ticks


Germany threatens summer ticks. "We will have the highest number of ticks in the last decade," warns virologist Dr. Gerhard Dobler of the German Insect Research Center (DZIF). As a result, the risk of being stung and subsequently suffering from Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a viral form of meningitis, is increased accordingly

Dobler could to be in his likely prognosis. Because with Viennese researchers, DZIF tick experts have developed a precise model in recent years, with which they can predict with relative accuracy the density of ticks for the coming summer. The model includes the number of beechnuts two years before the current summer as well as the average annual temperature and winter temperature of the previous year. The more hay there was two years before the summer in question, the more game and rodents have food and in turn serve tick emitters, which also appear more.

Viruses and bacteria in saliva

Experts predicted 187 ticks per standard zone – and found 180 ticks. Almost a landing point. By 2018, the largest number of ticks ever found was predicted with 443 ticks, and Dobler now knows that this prediction will also be respected. "We have the largest number of ticks that we have collected since the beginning of the study."