TBE vaccination: Already three diseases and one death! – Klagenfurt


LH-Stv Health Consultant. Beate Prettner asks all unvaccinated Carinthians to be vaccinated!

CARINTHIA. This year, an increase in cases of meningoencephalitis (TBE) in early summer is noticeable throughout Austria. Generally, it is transmitted by ticks. In Carinthia alone, there were already three illnesses and one death this year.

Possible Paralysis

Therefore, LH-Stv. Beate Prettner important: "I call all non-vaccinated and people who received the vaccination too long ago to get this vital protection!" Prettner continues: "If you break TBE after a tick bite, it can not be treated by you, only the symptoms can be mitigated TBE attacks the brain and can also cause paralysis." The only reliable protection is vaccination. "


It is now possible to catch the vaccine in summer, it costs 27 € for adults and 23 € for children in the health department.GKK insured pay four euros less, d 39 other subsidies insurance grants Pediatrician and internist give the vaccine

So the vaccination runs smoothly:

  • recommended from the age of 1 year (with particularly high risk of infection at from the seventh month of life)
  • after the completion of primary vaccination (three partial vaccinations: and secondly at intervals of one to three months, third part vaccination five to twelve months after) first booster three years later [19659006] all other immunizations every five years
  • from the 60th birthday every three years (weakened immune system in the elderly, vaccination decreases more rapidly)
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