TCG Unitech car maker turns to Italian family business
KIRCHDORF. The largest industrial employer in Kirchdorf is soon to belong to the Gnutti Carlo group, which is headquartered near Brescia, in northern Italy.

Walter Mayer and Peter Wienerroither picture:
Ten days ago, the family owner, Trierenberg, was surprised by the sale of Tannpapier to Traun. Yesterday, the sale of a large industrial company in Upper Austria followed: the car supplier TCG Unitech was awarded to the family business Gnutti Carlo Group, whose head office is located near Brescia in the north from Italy.
TCG Unitech has had difficult times and several changes of ownership. In 2010, the company was hit hard by the crisis. She bought a group of Viennese investors belonging to a family, who had previously sold Ebewe to Unterach. At first, there was a difficult rehabilitation course. The current management has been engaged since 2012 and since then, 200 million euros have been invested. A new 90 million euro factory is currently under construction. Approximately 1100 people are employed at four sites in Kirchdorf District (two factories in Kirchdorf and one in Micheldorf and Rohr) and a joint venture in China. During the past financial year, sales jumped from 194 million euros to around 220 million euros.
For the buyer, TCG Unitech is a big fish, although the Italian supplier has made some acquisitions in recent years. "With this acquisition, we employ nearly 4,000 people in 10 countries, with 137 people in Italy at the beginning of the millennium," says Pier Carlo Gnutti, member of the family company's supervisory board.
The sale was justified by Karl Grigkar, a lawyer in Vienna, co-owner and chairman of the supervisory board of TCG Unitech. Grigkar is confident that TCG Unitech will continue to grow under the new property. It was important for shareholders that the company move to a strategic transferee.
The management was involved in the sales process "from zero hours". This was done because customers wanted a growing internationalization. "Being autonomous was no longer possible," said Peter Wienerroither, spokesperson for the management, who will remain at his post. The name of the company is kept.
In operation, the news of the sale was recorded taken. The atmosphere is relaxed, because the buyer is not a direct competitor and, therefore, no fear for jobs is presented, it is said. "If a company can pay us, it will also help us grow," said an badured voice from the workforce. (SIB)
L & # 39; buyer
Carlo Gnutti started in 1920 with the production of parts for agricultural machinery. Today, fourth generation engine parts and injection components for the construction, agriculture, marine and die – cast aluminum industries are being produced. .
The family-owned Gnutti Carlo Group employs 2,500 people in eight countries and makes a turnover of 470 million euros. International expansion began in 2000 with a company acquisition in Canada, followed in 2014 by Ljunghäll in Sweden, which also produces in the Czech Republic.
There is virtually no overlap between customers. At BMW Gnutti is only in the bike. References include Ford, Renault Trucks, Caterpillar and MAN.
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