Telekom Austria: the depreciation of the value of the brand brings down profits


Telekom Austria presented figures. The Group's revenue grew by 1.3% to 2.17 billion euros in the first half, mainly due to higher revenues from the sale of terminals and the solid development of fixed telephony activities for the general public. Excluding currency effects and one-time effects, Group sales increased by 2.3% (+ 2.5%), with an increase in service revenues in all markets except Slovenia

. Group-wide rebranding impairments, pre-tax income (EBIT) decreased year-on-year despite stable EBITDA. The Group EBITDA decreased by 0.4% year on year to reach 697.9 million euros. In the first half of 2018, depreciation and amortization increased 29.0% to 550.7 million euros (+ 29.3%) compared to the previous year. The increase is mainly due to the depreciation of the value of the brand as part of the rebranding of the group. These write-downs occurred mainly in Bulgaria, where brand values ​​are now completely erased, as well as in Belarus, Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia. As a result, the operating result decreased by 46.2% to 147.2 million euros compared to the previous year (-46.1%). Excluding depreciation of 173.5 million euros, operating income increased by 17.2% (reported: 17.5%).

In total, the A1 Telekom Austria group posted a net profit of 82.5 million euros in the first half of 2018, compared with 208.9 million euros in the first half of 2017. Excluding depreciation of rebranding , the net profit has increased According to Telekom Austria, the following factors should be taken into account when badyzing the results of the A1 Telekom Austria Group:

The negative effects of the abolition of the l & # 39; Retail roaming in the EU as of June 15, 2017 were the main Austria, with other effects in Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

Total negative currency effects amounted to 12.7 million euros in the second quarter of 2018 and 6.7 million euros in EBITDA came exclusively from Belarus, while the Republic of Serbia had slightly positive effects of currency conversion.

The acquisitions of fixed network providers Garant (G omel), consolidated from 1 August 2017, and Vitebsk Garant, consolidated from 1 May 2018, both in Belarus. As the financial impact of Vitebsk Garant on the Belarussian segment is marginal, no pro-forma presentation is provided for this acquisition.

Perspectives sometimes imply: A1 Group management Telekom Austria remains committed to its growth strategy, which focuses on three Focus on strategic areas: optimization of core business, l & rsquo; Expansion of products and services, and value-added mergers and acquisitions. As in the previous year, the results should be supported by ongoing efforts to further increase operational efficiency. For fiscal year 2018, the management of the A1 Telekom Austria Group expects moderate growth in overall turnover in published data. The A1 Telekom Austria Group continues to focus on LTE's expansion into its markets and on the accelerated expansion of optical fiber in Austria. Investment expenditures before spectrum investments and acquisitions are expected to remain virtually stable in 2018 (750 million euros).

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