Test Red Dead Redemption 2


Our Red Dead Redemption 2 survey sparked lively discussions in the MeinMMO community, but most of the time you had a similar opinion about the game.

Directly at launch, RDR2 has been hailed by critics. Many gaming sites have awarded maximum points to the Western game, but also to Metacritic.

The game has also been very well received by the community of MeinMMO. A MeinMMO survey, in which over 1900 users participated, showed a strong trend towards 10/10 points. Nevertheless, the RDR 2 is not without errors. You have actually multiplied the errors in your comments in relation to the aspects of the game that you liked. But look at yourself.

Riding Red Dead Redemption 2 speeds

Living and realistic world

A world in which one can get lost: For a long time, Rockstar chose the world of the game RDR 2 among its badets. Many of the game's news has been devoted to the efforts and work that developers have put into the world to set new standards in the video game industry. And they have probably succeeded, if you look at the reactions of the players. Our Sunface user has enthusiastically written:

This is the most authentic game I have ever played. Everything is just right. I can not imagine that a game can again reach such a level of detail. Before that, I can only take off my hat.

In particular, the immersion in the world of the game in Red Dead Redemption 2 has been hailed. AI's animals and their behavior are extremely detailed and realistic, whether it's territorial wars or escape behaviors during a hunt.

There are also differences between day and night animals and their behavior. Marcus Silec of the MeinMMO community said that he now rode directly with several horses so he could fish and hunt thoroughly.

red dead redemption 2 horse

The player Guten Morgan has praised in her comments also the immersion, the Red Dead Redemption 2 offers:

For example, if a runner with a torch stands at night on a ledge then goes out and starts rolling and you think, are they coming to get me now? Since you are going somewhere under cover and guarded. ?

Red Dead Redemption 2 slows you down: Rockstar proudly stated how much work had been spent on RDR2 history and parallel quests. It takes about 65 hours of play to get through. The game script included 2000 pages.

The community did not have a very strong opinion of the story in the comments, but the pace of the game was even more so. RDR 2 is certainly one of the slowest games in terms of tempo. In the comments, MeinMMO users wrote that on certain days they did not do any mission or quest, but simply roamed the world and explored everything in peace.

Red Dead Redemption 2 horse forest

Otherwise, others care about their horses and their limbs and prefer a quieter pace between the action-packed parts of the game. Alex B. said:

The game has a very slow pace. This is not just a booming action game, Peng Puff, in which you fly from a skyscraper with a glider to a truck and then collide. with a helicopter train.

Main criticism: the controller

What is criticized? One of the criticisms to which the MeinMMO community has been largely unanimous is the control of Red Dead Redemption 2. The TNB user wrote us in the comments:

The control is unfortunately incredibly bad. Morgan controls himself as a tank and I have rarely experienced anything spongy and inaccurate. This spoils the fun of an otherwise very good game.

Red Dead Redemption 2 horse

This statement has received a lot of approval. Some of you have described the controller as:

  • "Frumpy"
  • "The atony"
  • and "catastrophic"

According to users, control is one of the main reasons why some of you have been exposed to a big bonus of the game. Overloaded key mapping helps to ensure that someone accidentally hits his own horse or suddenly starts shooting in the middle of a city.

There were also users who found this point less tragic, even though they agreed in principle. But even for the moderate votes, the control was at best "used". The user Jokl said:

The controller is a bit hakelig at first. With the right settings and the right camera, I could handle that for me, but here you could get better results.

Big discussions about synchronization

Criticism of the disappearance of Spachausgabe: The lack of German dubbing was one of the aspects of Red Dead Redemption 2, which was the source of the longest discussions in our community. In doing so, you divide into two big camps:

  • Players who would prefer to have a German dub and feel like a gap in the RDR 2.
  • Players who do not fear English-only vocal output or who are even opposed to German dubbing.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Race

This is why the users of a German dubbing are: In order to make the "Wild West" setting as authentic as possible, Rockstar Games used many dialect, slang and language flaws in the English dubbing characters of the game.

This is why even players with good English skills have had difficulties. For example, our user BigFreeze25 wrote:

English, which is spoken in rock-star games, is unfortunately extremely heavy / rumgenuschel. If you have not spent almost a year in foreign English-speaking countries, I can understand it perfectly if you say: I do not understand most of the time, I have to read the subtitles all the time.

Many players have agreed in the comments. The too high speed of the subtitles and the generally large amount of information entered were also criticized. In some places, some of you have trouble keeping track of subtitles when you have to ride and care for your surroundings.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Bow 2

The user JimmyVoice sazu said that you should not accuse people of not speaking English and that they therefore wish a synchronization in German, as this allows them to play more easily.

This is why users are against a German synchronization: But there were also some of you who voted against a German speech. The main reason was the poor quality of the German actors listed. The user Genisis_S wrote:

Honestly in german I would not take this game !! We simply do not have dubbing speakers who would be able to create the mood!

Other users have seen in RDR 2 slang the opportunity to improve their English and expand their vocabulary. So the Guten Morgan player found that slang was awesome and that you learn something else.

Conclusion: the wait was worth it

By evaluating the survey and commenting on the users, it is concluded that MeinMMO readers have trouble describing what makes Red Dead Redemption force in their eyes. Despite the individual criticisms made here and there and everywhere, you are convinced of the game Rockstar.

  • Average score of the survey: 7.53 out of a maximum of 10 points. At the time of the evaluation, about 1900 users participated in the survey.

Many have already said that after tasting the offline version, they now look forward to Red Dead Online, which according to Rockstar will follow in November.

For the online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2, there is already the first information and rumors:

Red Dead Online: A leak refers to vehicles and homes for multiplayer

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