Thailand: Elon Musk Helps Save Young Trapped



Young Trapped Elon Musk Sends Help in Thailand

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Rescue Diver is tragically killed

The twelve young footballers trapped in a cave and their trainer live, but an badistant is now dead, the rescuer was doomed to run out of oxygen, rescuers are also faced to enormous risks.

The situation of the trapped youth team worsens and becomes a race against other rains. However, there is good news from the US: Tesla boss, Musk, promised help from there.

T Elon Musk's boss Ella Musk responded to a request from a Twitter user and said on Twitter that he had sent engineers to two of his companies in Thailand to include young footballers imprisoned in the cave in Thailand. Boring Co and SpaceX should be wondering if they could help the boys go out. Billionaire companies could help locate boys or help them with rechargeable batteries.

Race Against Time

Rescue efforts are becoming more of a race against the expected rains. There is little time left for the Thai special forces to unearth the twelve boys and their 25-year-old coach trapped in a cave at the water's edge.

"At first we thought we could keep the children alive for a long time, where they are now," said Commander Arpakorn Yookongkaew on Friday. "But now a lot of things have changed, we have little time left." But Arpakorn has not gone into the details.

A few hours earlier, the military had stated that the most important thing was to provide oxygen to those who were confined. A diver using oxygen tanks has fainted during a dive and died. The former member of the Thai special naval forces had died of a lack of oxygen, said Friday the authorities

. About three kilometers, the children and their trainer entered the cave

About three kilometers penetrated the children and their trainer. Cave Front

Source: Infografik WELT

The boys and their coaches had made a reconnaissance round after a football match on June 23 in the largely branched cave system in northern Thailand. After heavy rains, the exits were flooded, which suddenly blocked them in the cave. After days of searching, the boys were discovered earlier in the week.

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More heavy rain is already expected for Saturday. In case of higher water levels, it may be difficult or impossible for boys to cross certain areas of the cave. The forces are now trying to pump as much water from the cave as possible to reduce the risk.

"We can not wait anymore"

On Wednesday, the governor of Chiang Rai announced that the detainees were already diving. learned. In addition, the authorities are looking for alternatives. So the area is sought for other approaches to the cave. In addition, there are opportunities to pump water.

The governor of the province, Narongsak Osatanakorn, said Thursday that he was planning to get out of the cave even though they were not ready to dive. "We can not wait any longer for all the conditions to be met because of the urgency of the situation," said Commander Arpakorn

. The Fifa World Football Federation expressed its support for those trapped. If they are released on time and in reasonably good health, the organization will invite them to the final of the World Cup in Russia, said Friday in a letter signed by the letter of Fifa President Gianni Infantino.

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