The abolition of gender roles in the fight for love


The Abolition of Gender Roles in the Struggle for Love

Salzburg Festival: Kleist's first acclaimed "Penthesilea" directed by Johan Simons

<img src = "https: // "width =" 561 "height =" 315 "title =" Die Aufhebung der Geschlechter-Rollen im Kampf um die Liebe "alt =" The abolition of gender roles in the struggle for love [19659004] Sandra Hüller and Jens Harzer Image: APA / BARBARA GINDL

Anyone who does not follow dialogues for two hours in a concentrated way and is distracted by squeaky armchairs and spectators leaving the Salzburg Landestheater, comes out of this dance of two lovers, the director Johan Simons wrote the 1808 written and created in 1876 the tragedy of Kleist "Penthesilea" it's evaporated. On stage only two actors as well as a light bar expanding and dec the radiance of which burns in the eyes (scene: Johannes Schütz). Sandra Hüller, the non-spectators known as the daughter of Peter Simonischek's film of "Toni Erdmann", in the title role. Jens Harzer as Achilles, the warrior tested in countless wars with low heel, who wants to be defeated by the Amazonian queen to win his heart. The Amazons can, by divine order, love only the men of whom they were superior in the battle.

Nothing else and nobody else. Black darkness in the background darkens the darkest time of wars.

Contemporary interaction

Who is this woman or macho, man or buccaneer? The staging of the new boss of the Bochum Schauspielhaus, which collaborates with the Salzburg Festival in this production, avoids this type of guarantee. On the contrary, a contemporary interaction of roles is celebrated. These are the words that define reality because there is little hand to play for both players. The fact that the two hours still develop magnetism, is due to Hüller and Harzer, whose almost naked characters covet each other, worship, without the other can not and must still kill. The audience remembers ballet or performances. Especially when Hüller's words on the ramp of the Landestheater are broken in an incomprehensible way, because they attract a tempo as in everyday conflicts.

For the Amazonian queen, it can be the game and the explorer of the possibility. For Achilles, it is the continuation of the eternal struggle in the divine rules. Slow and deliberate, Harzer is not just a linguistic contrast. Both exploit the mythology up to earth possible, manifested by the abandonment of the vulnerable heel of Achilles, both sincere. The love could be so beautiful and carefree.

Conclusion: Performative deepening of a dramatic clbadic. Great drama, more concept than staging.

Salzburg Festival: "Penthesilea" by Heinrich von Kleist, Premiere: July 29, Salzburg National Theater. Director: Johan Simons

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