The Amazon app identifies the screws with the smartphone camera



(Image: dpa, Henning Kaiser / Symbolbild)

If you are unsure of which screws you need, you simply fix the iPhone on a copy – the vision of the machine should provide appropriate results.

Amazon continues to expand the integrated image recognition technology of the shopping application: users can now automatically identify the screws and other fixings by pointing the iPhone's camera on the way the company told the US media. Artificial vision is used to capture them and then display corresponding samples accordingly.

However, when determining size, users must help by placing a penny next to the screw. Even by reducing the search results, the application requires support, for example, by specifying whether the screw has a flat head.

Screw detection up here only integrated in the iOS application

  Screw detection machine - now part of the Amazon App. "Style =" width: 100%;

Vision machine for the detection of screws – now part of the Amazon application.

(Image: Screenshot: Techcrunch)

The new coin searcher can already see more than 100 types of fasteners, as Amazon tells Techcrunch, which should allow to find several thousand or even millions of pieces. The function is based on the technology of the start-up Partpic, who bought Amazon two years ago, they say.

Up to now, the feature in the iOS app for all users in the United States is available. It is not known yet when it will be introduced in other countries and for Android users.

The Retail Group has been constantly expanding the features of the application for some time to facilitate product searches and provide additional features: Reality View can display products as a 3D digital model in their own environment. However, this feature, based on ARKit from Apple, is still available only in the United States and limited to certain products.


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