The autumn Özil divides Europe


"It is unacceptable to treat a young man who gave everything for the German national team because of his religious beliefs so racially," Recep Erdogan continued to pour fuel into the fire yesterday. It is the ex-German player Mesut Özil, who had justified his withdrawal from the national team earlier this week (see right). If he "played well", key phrase of the statement of Ozil, he was German, again immigrants in bad games.

Half of Europe – political or media – is now polarized in the case Özil [19659002] cuddly appearance. The trigger of the criticism was finally politically sensitive: the Turkish player was photographed before the World Cup with the controversial Turkish President Erdogan. A cuddly appearance, which earned him a lot of criticism – from left to right – and was eventually exploited by the right wing AfD.

Özil now polarizes the Austro-Turks

While all public broadcasters include Özil show pulls the image – which was indirectly attacked by the footballer – against him.

The ex-ÖFB player, Ümit Korkmaz, however understands his German colleagues: "Why are you shooting him now, just because of an image is questionable." Are you just looking for a scapegoat ? Ex-player ÖFB Veli Kavlak (see below) says: "I believe that Ozil." Unlike Vice President Efgani Dönmez, who strongly criticized the German Turks,

"In the Victory, I'm German.

  • About the photo with Erdogan: " For me, the photo with Erdogan n & Had nothing to do with politics or elections, but with the highest position in the homeland of my family. (…) For me, it was not important who was the president, but it was the president. "

  • About his resignation: " With a heavy heart and after much deliberation I am no longer for Germany play, as long as I feel the feeling of racism and disrespect. "

  • About racism: " Why my friend Lukas Podolski and Miroslav Klose are not considered German-Polish? Why am I German-Turkish? Because I am Muslim? "

  • About Discrimination: " For Grindel (NB: President of the DFB) and his supporters, I am German if we win. If we lose, I am an immigrant. "

  • Criticism of the Media: " What I can not accept, however, is the German media that make up my double background and a simple image as guilty of the bad world championship of a whole team "[19659014] Pro Özil: "I believe in Mesut Özil"

    Legionnaire Besiktas Veli Kavlak follows the case of Özil in Istanbul in the media: "I do not know either what happened there low. But I believe Mesut Özil when he says that he made the picture with Erdogan out of respect for the post. I do not believe that there is a political message behind this. "With regard to the racist allegations against the DFB:" Such a thing never happened in Austria. But did I hear such a thing again and again – especially lower leagues. "

    Contra Özil:" He made propaganda "

    VP the attorney Efgani Dönmez indirectly via Twitter to the case Özil pronounced He tweeted the commentary of the editor in chief Julian Reichelt, in which he blames the former player of the national team for having made propaganda for a Turkish despot. "In addition, he also retweeted the sentence:" To draw the map of racism, if you take pictures with a dictator (…), you are either a bad board or a stock. "

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