The beginning is done: despite the benefits: Tesla still faces sustainable profitability | message


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"Really Historic District"

Elon Musk's electric car maker got the best result in Tesla's history last quarter. For the first time in two years, the company came back in the dark, thanks to the increased production of the Model 3 – Musk spoke of a "truly historic neighborhood".

The boss of Tesla was convinced for months that he was finally able to make a profit, while the majority of badysts and investors were extremely skeptical about the situation. But Tesla was surprised: the results were very encouraging, Tesla's investors rejoiced. After the numbers, the share climbed to double digits.

Musk continues to be confident

Musk's behavior was also surprising. He was responsible, respectful and realistic after calling badysts at previous teleconferences, figures after "numbers" and "boring questions".

But this time, Musk did no drama. He was calm and spoke realistically of the future. "We expect the T4 to return to net profit and positive cash flow, and I think our aspirations will apply on a quarterly basis," said Musk. "I think we can get positive cash flow for every quarter, neglecting the quarters for which we may have to make a big cash back," said Tesla's boss.

And Musk was not too euphoric about the promise of profitability. He did not specify a specific deadline before he could be held responsible if he did not achieve certain goals.

Still a long way

Despite surprisingly high numbers, the electric car manufacturer of Palo Alto is still far from being a profitable mbad producer and competing with the big ones. But investors are clearly more confident than before. "This is the most encouraging sign of sustained profitability we've seen in the past three years, Tesla has done all this, despite the distractions surrounding Elon himself, and the positive review cancels some of the damage done." says Gene Munster, Managing Partner Venture Capital Loup Ventures, regarding Musk's tweets, particularly regarding the privatization of Tesla.

The last quarter "marks a turning point," notes Joe Dennison, portfolio manager at Zevenbergen Capital Investments. Bodo Uebber, Chief Financial Officer of Daimler, sees these results as a positive sign of the further expansion of electric mobility in the automotive industry: "We are delighted that Tesla has achieved good results and is benefiting for the sector. []".

"In the past, Tesla outperformed one or two stocks and was always disappointing in terms of earnings or cash flow, which was a different quarter," said Adam Jonas, an badyst at Morgan Stanley, who believes in change at home. You're here. Nevertheless, he remains cautious: "One of Tesla's most important questions is when they can become independent with their cash to no longer access the stock market."

And even the famous critic and reseller of Tesla, Andrew Left, of Citron Research, has recently changed his mind and is now confident. "It's a revolution I've underestimated," said the big investor alongside Bloomberg TV. He described Model 3 as a "success" and even stated that Tesla "crushed" the competition. The left believes that the group can become profitable.

Musk must prove itself

However, considering the optimistic experts, Elon Musk has yet to prove that Tesla's profitability is indeed as sustainable as promised. Because the boss of Tesla still has several challenges. In addition to concerns about the quality of the Model 3 product, Consumer Reports, an American consumer magazine, recently removed its purchase recommendation for the S model.

Nevertheless, it seems that Elon Musk can really succeed in creating a profitable business in a sustainable way. However, to achieve this goal, he should stay away from Twitter, stop publishing unrealistic forecasts, and always be responsible.

However, with his words to the shareholder of Tesla, he has already made a good start: "Our earnings profile has dropped dramatically and we can not thank you enough for your support, without which we have not been able to do so. we would not have reached this historic district ".


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Sources of images: Hattanas Kumchai /, Hadrian /, Nadezda Murmakova /, Ken Wolter /

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