The big projects of Bierhoff | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – Successful crisis management is different. After only a few days, Oliver Bierhoff director of the DFB team unintentionally cast doubt about the possibility of successfully handling the treatment of the team's World Cup disaster. German.

His last revised interview statements on the Mesut Özil case caused a great stir. However, the DFB trusts its ingenious director. In a ZDF interview, Bierhoff candidly admits that he and national coach Joachim Löw "are part of the problem".

The Bierhoff sites:

THE ÖZIL CASE: It is said. Despite the later relativisations, the impression remains that Bierhoff Mesut Özil wanted to grow into the role of world champion scarecrow. His comments about a waiver of a failed nomination in the photo case with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan contained a lot of fuel. Bierhoff knows exactly how sensitive this topic is on the socio-political level. This proves his reference to 30% of national junior players from immigration. Bierhoff is now more responsible than ever for the fact that the cause can not be exploited by strangers.

OWN RESPONSIBILITY: Bierhoff was not so clear on his World Cup debt and that of the national coach Löw . "I think this is also part of the problem, I think that's right, that's why I said we had to start with us." If this badysis could still lead to the radical conclusion that Bierhoff and / or Löw could leave their posts, can be questioned. The strength and determination to "take the necessary steps" have been proven by Bierhoff himself, who has yet to prove it.

RELATIONSHIP WITH LÖW: Lots of rumors circulated about the dissonance between national coach Löw and team manager Bierhoff about tournament logistics. Bierhoff is opposed to them. Already the day after his departure, he had felt an "inner rage" with Löw. Together, the decision was finally made Monday in Friborg to continue. The symbiosis now displayed after 14 years together leaves the question open as to whether Bierhoff can objectively evaluate Löw's behavior in his badysis of the World Cup.

COMMERCIAL REJECTION: About the money Bierhoff went to the offensive. Without the millions of revenues of the national team, it would be bad for all German football. "We need the money to do our charity work of the DFB." Compared to other tournaments "no campaign" was conducted in addition. The team did not play badly because of the actions. Similarly, Bierhoff responded to the allegation of alienation of the team to their fans. More jerseys than 2014, tickets for five euros in the World Cup test, autographs of cycling players in the training camp in South Tyrol, he argued.

REFORM OPTIONS: In the end, Bierhoff will be judged by his actions. Sports decisions must meet Löw. This is quite difficult because it will not be able to use all the former champions of the world only for symbolic reasons of reconstruction. Bierhoff needs to reform the big structure around the team. It is clear that all those who have to leave will bear the mark of the failure of the World Cup and that, unlike Loew and Bierhoff, they will not have the chance to be corrected.

Bierhoff Interview – Paid

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