The boss of Leicester died in this hell – football


The worst fears have been confirmed: the owner of Leicester City, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was killed in a helicopter crash near the stadium of the English Premier League football team. He died in a hell of flames.

In the crash that took place Saturday night after the 1: 1 Premier League match against West Ham, a total of five people were killed. This was announced by the club on Sunday night via Twitter. "With deep regret and a broken heart, we must announce that our president, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, is one of those who tragically lost their lives Saturday night," the statement said. "None of the five people on board survived."

"The thoughts of everyone in the club go mainly to the Srivaddhanaprabha family and the families of those who were on board at the time of this unbearable loss," he said. With Srivaddhanaprabha, the world has "lost a great man".

The club president's helicopter crashed into a parking lot next to the stadium on Saturday night, shortly after he left the field, and ignited. The ritual is to send the president by helicopter into the stadium and fly away. The helicopter, painted in blue and white club colors, regularly lands in the central circle.

The exact cause of the accident is unknown. Eyewitnesses reported a sudden stop of the tail rotor shortly after takeoff of the helicopter into the stadium. The machine then turned like a top and crashed uncontrollably. Leicester goalkeeper, Kasper Schmeichel, was one of the first on the scene, reported the BBC television channel.

Police said the investigation of the accident was continuing. In addition, experts from the Air Traffic Authority, the AAIB, participated in the investigation of the accident.

Christian Fuchs, legionnaire of the ÖFB, left the stadium five minutes before the accident. He declared in a first statement to the "crown": "I am devastated".

Srivaddhanaprabha was extremely popular among the supporters of Leicester City. In August 2010, he had bought the second division at the time. In February 2011, he became president. He took unusual measures and notably robbed monks who should bless the club stadium with religious rituals.

The popularity of the owner and the president continued to rise – reaching its peak with a football fairy tale. Under coach Claudio Ranieri, Leicester won in the sensational 2015/16 season the title of champion of England – as a 5000 outsider: 1. A football miracle!

Milliard Srivaddhanaprabha gave two 2.2 million euros to a children 's hospital in Leicester. After winning the title, he broke his promise and presented players with luxury cars worth € 130,000. On his birthday, he regularly donated beer and cakes to stadium supporters.

The entrepreneur began his career by selling products imported from Hong Kong. In 1989, he opened a duty free shop. Later, he acquired the monopoly of duty-free shops at all Thai airports.

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(Sports today)

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