The Bundesbank sees successes in the fight against counterfeiters – the economy


One-fifth less flowers than last year

8 hours ago

Central banks are constantly improving the security features of bank notes. They will never end, because counterfeiters will catch up again and again. Sometimes crooks arrive at their destination with simple tricks.

Original and false: The transparent portrait with the portrait of Europe can be seen on a real note of 50 euros (right). Left is forgery with a considerably less detailed portrait window.

© Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

Original and false: The transparent portrait with the portrait of Europe can be seen on a real ticket of 50 euros (right). On the left, forgery with a portrait window considerably less detailed.

Photo: Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

On the trail of counterfeit money: security forces repeatedly report success in the fight against counterfeiters. Only recently, investigators from the Criminal Investigation Office of the State of Bavaria (LKA) were able to obtain flowers with a nominal value of Å 100,000. and captured three suspects. "Because of the educational work of the Bundesbank and the & # 39; the police investigation, the counterfeiting figures in Germany are relatively low," said Johannes Beermann, board member of the Bundesbank ["Entermespurementarithmétiquesilyaactuellementseptfauxbilletspar10000habitantsparanLescontrefacteursetlebadpertsendevisesfontunesortedecourseLesbanquescentralesémettentdesfacturesavecdescaractéristiquesdesécuritémodifiées-lescriminelsessaientdelescopier"Lesfabricantsdecontrefaçonssontcapablesdes&#"However"itdoesnotmatterhowgoodtheforgeryis"Thereareseverallevelsofsecurity"saysBeermannaccordingtotheBundesbankthatmakescriminalsmoredifficult"Upto#filings"saystheFederalCriminalJusticeOffice(BKA)initsreportoncounterfeitperformance

Here, for example, counterfeiters have failed to emulate the portrait window, "reports Stefan Hardt, head of Bundesbank central cash register

The special nature of paper is also a major obstacle for counterfeiters. the difference, "says Hardt. The different security features should allow every citizen to recognize the authenticity of a bill without any help. In the first half of the year, banks, retailers and the German police withdrew some 31,100 euros worth of flowers. This is down 6.2% from the second half of 2017 and 21.6% from the same period last year.

Arithmetic loss is estimated by the Bundesbank at 1.8 million euros – a downward trend. The person who takes the flower must be the merchant or the restorer. Counterfeit money will not be replaced. The most popular with criminals is the 50 euro bill. Of the blooms recorded in Germany during the first half of the year, more than two-thirds represented false hopes – especially counterfeit banknotes of the old series.


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