The cases of hepatitis E in Saxony-Anhalt have more than doubled


In Saxony-Anhalt, diagnosed hepatitis E cases increased significantly in the last year. This was reported by the State Bureau for Consumer Protection on World Hepatitis Day Saturday.

In 2017, 193 cases of liver inflammation were reported by the hepatitis E virus, according to the State Office. This is 100 more cases than the year before. Thus, the number of recorded infections has more than doubled. The development can be attributed, at least in part, to the fact that doctors pay more attention to this form of hepatitis infection and recognize them better.

Risk: Undercooked Meat

Hepatitis is a widespread disease worldwide. In the disease, which is also called jaundice, it is an inflammation of the liver, which is caused by various viruses. The drug divides these viruses into A to E.

Hepatitis E is mainly transmitted by infected and poorly cooked pork and game. This is only in isolated cases that the virus is imported as motion sickness. Outside Europe, hepatitis E can be transmitted through water. According to statistics, the elderly and pregnant women are particularly affected. The State Office for Consumer Protection is currently conducting a study to cover other risk factors for hepatitis E infection. expects early results in early 2019.

Hepatitis E often goes unnoticed

With hepatitis A, B, C, D and E, five types of hepatitis are known. Hepatitis A and E may go unnoticed or cause nausea, vomiting and upper abdominal pain for a few weeks, according to the agency. The liver inflammation by hepatitis usually stops itself. On the other hand, hepatitis B, C and D can cause severe liver damage, which can also lead to death.

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