The domain of Joe Kaeser «


Munich. German industrial heavyweights rebuild: ThyssenKrupp, where financial director Guido Kerkhoff is supposed to soften the waves after the resignation of Heinrich Hiesinger, is facing major changes. Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser presents the long-awaited plans for the technology giant's alignment after 2020 on August 2. The new strategy, called "Vision 2020+", will be the last big reach and will be the same. time the legacy of his successor. Because Kaeser has already made it known that he will leave no later than the end of 2021.

However, Siemens has cushioned expectations too high: "It's more an evolution than a revolution." "according to business circles.

Kaesers remains Fleet Network's core strategy, with which it wants to give more flexibility and responsibility to the divisions to make the group more controllable with more than 372,000 employees.With the medical technology Healthineers and the wind subsidiary Gamesa, two divisions are themselves listed on the stock exchange Following the merger with its French competitor Alstom, the railway sector and the manufacturer of ICE Siemens Mobility will also become listed companies.The submission of tasks to the operational units is intended to achieve

Moreover, the concept diagram that the Supervisory Board must approve on August 1 is already clear: the number of divisions in industrial activity must begin on October 1 falls from five to three o'clock. To this end, the automation business in the process industry of the "Digital Factory" should be added. & # 39; is the figurehead of Siemens, who deals with the digitization of processes in production. The Energy Management division must be split: electricity distribution networks are used in building technology and high-voltage networks are concentrated with the technology of fossil power plants, which is less profitable.

More Performance Requested

Divisions should receive higher performance targets than before, the "Magazin Manager" reported. Investors demand 13 to 14% operating return, Siemens targets 11 to 12% this year

Employees and shareholders are curious to see if Kaeser for low-yield sectors such as power plant technology and mechanical drives Have a future at all. With regard to traffic engineering and wind turbines, Siemens could give the majority in the longer term.

In fact, Kaeser had already wanted to announce the new strategy in the spring. Because most of the goals that he had set when he took office in 2014 for 2020 have already been achieved. But the dispute over the reduction of some 6,000 jobs in gas and steam turbines delayed the project. In May, there was a basic agreement with workers' representatives, the details will be negotiated by September. (Reuters)

("Die Presse", print edition, 14.07.2018)

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