The flu slips on «


More than 5000 common influenza illnesses and infections in Vienna in one week. Last year, only about 6% of Austrians were vaccinated against influenza.

10:28 am, October 25, 2018

Only a few can be vaccinated against the flu. © (c) Yakobchuk Olena –

There will be no anti-influenza vaccination campaign on the Austrian scale in 2018/2019. At present, the influenza virus in Vienna "floats" around 5,000 new cases a week. But that can change quickly. Last year were just around the six percent the Austrian vaccinated against the flu. This is the result of the latest figures from the Austrian Association of Vaccine Manufacturers (ÖVIH).

Last year, experts from World Health Organization (WHO) poorly predicts or estimates the frequency or type of influenza B viruses in circulation. As a result, the triple influenza B vaccine was only inadequate.

Agentur Archive – documentary view This season, the vaccine contains antigens against the following viruses:

A (H1N1 / Michigan) – based on the 2009/2010 pandemic virus

A (H3N2 / Singapore)

There are also one or two antigens of Influenza B virus:
(B / Colorado, in quadruple and B / Phuket vaccines).

Infections with influenza B are usually less serious.

In 2016/2017, at the height of the epidemic in Vienna at the end of the year, nearly 20,000 new cases of viral influenza and influenza – like infections had been projected . In 2017/2018, there was a peak of about 14,000 new cases, but a week earlier in the year.

Nevertheless, the Austrian vaccination recommendation applies: The annual flu vaccine is recommended for those who want to protect themselves, but especially for the groups of people listed in the Austrian vaccination plan with risk factors (for example, the elderly, the chronically ill, etc.). ;

However, the Austrians are barely vaccinated against influenza: during the 2017/2018 influenza season, less than 558,000 doses of vaccine were released, less returns. This corresponds to a theoretical vaccination rate of 6.36%. In 2006/2007 it was still 15.36%.

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