The Grasser process continues with Causa Telekom and Valora


Vienna / Linz (APA) – In the process of bribery against former Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grbader (ÖVP / FPÖ) and other people in Causs Buwog and Linz Terminal Tower, the subject will be changed after the 58th day of the trial. Grbader and most of the others got a break in the pursuit, only two also accused Walter Meischberger and Peter Hochegger are sitting Tuesday on the dock.

Judge Schöffensenat and her chair, Judge Marion Hohenecker, now deal with the Telecom Valora indictment against the two former lobbyists Meischberger and Hochegger, former Telekom managing director, Rudolf Fischer, and two other telecommunications people Causa "Black Telecom cashes" respond. The prosecutor's office accuses them of bribes against ÖVP, SPÖ and FPÖ / BZÖ via Hochegger Valora of Telekom Austria in the years 2004 to 2009.

The integration of the telecommunication process in the Grbader-Buwog process results from a "subjective connection", as some of the defendants are the same as those currently tried in the Grbader-Causen case. If Hohenecker ended with Causa Telekom, it goes back to the suspicion of corruption related to the privatization of Buwog and the lease of the tax authorities in the tower of the Linz terminal. Then, pending defendants, including Grbader, must return to court. When that will be the case is open.

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