The live event in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is already over


You've probably already heard: this week is missing at the live event of Assbadin's Creed Odyssey each track. Ubisoft announced on Twitter that week 3 will fail due to technical problems. The fault is Damais The indifferent – again!

"Do you remember Damais's indifferent? Unfortunately, we have not managed to find it, so there is unfortunately no live event this week.

We are working on a solution to the problemwhich prevents the emergence of mercenary events. Be patient. "

Do you remember Damais the Indifferent? Until now, we have not managed to find it. Unfortunately, there will be no live event this week.

We are working on a solution to the problem that prevents any live events from appearing as soon as possible. Stay tuned.

– The creed of Spooky ? (@badbadinscreed) October 30, 2018

November 6th we will continue

Ubisoft has announced that it will continue the event scheduled for next week. Then, it is the turn of another epic ship. From November 6th to 12th you can visit Odyssey Hunt "The Tyrant".

The Corinthians, inventors of the trireme, will soon send a ship called "The Tyrant" on his maiden voyage. Rumor has it that this ship wants to redefine the naval war for Sparta.

Someone should test this theory when the epic will come back live next week. ?

– The creed of Spooky ? (@badbadinscreed) October 30, 2018

The community reacts sober this time

When Ubisoft had to cancel the live event for the first time, the players took it with humor. This time, the reaction of the community is not so kind. They do not understand that Ubisoft is still struggling with the same problem two weeks later. A picture of atmosphere:

Oh wow not yet live events ..

– ReviveGaming (@RBulliqi) October 30, 2018

Years in progress …

– Clayton Bigsby (@BigFrostGaming) October 30, 2018

– The creed of Spooky ? (@badbadinscreed) October 30, 2018

You know, if you want all your games to be "live services," you might want to make sure live and service parts really work.

– Konst Dav (@konstantinxy2) October 30, 2018

So are you going to catch up for the 80 orichalcums we missed? When are the next mercenary launches worth 120? It is unfortunate that some people manage to get the first 40 from a problem and most have missed us.

– aTaterTot (@ aTaterTot1) October 30, 2018

Since the last event, I was expecting it, a disappointment

– DarkThe DarkClaw @ (@ CharlesBrianhi5) October 30, 2018

My problem is the missed opportunity for the orichalcum. Any chance of another way to win the orichalc? Currently, we can only have 110 per week. I have a lot of dollars at stake, but little to be able to spend it.

– Glen Hernandez (@ mehurricane1) October 30, 2018

The most important information about Assbadin's Creed Odyssey

Assbadin's Creed Odyssey has been available commercially since October 5, 2018 for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. In our guide Learn all you need to know about the game.

About the author: Alexander Schneider is a junior editor at IGN. You can open it twitter and Instagram follow: @ JannLee360.

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