"The lonely way" in the Josefstadt


"The lonely way" in the Josefstadt

At the turn of the century, Arthur Schnitzler's "Der Einsame Weg" ("The Solitary Trail"), old friends meet and establish a thought-provoking balance of life. Death, illness, hopes and dreams buried and, above all, old age are the predominant topics: Schnitzler was only 40 when he wrote the piece. Now he is at the Vienna Theater in the performance Josefstadt.

Morning newspaper | 13 11 2018

Directed by Slovenian director Mateja Koleznik, one of the protagonists of the Slovenian theater, has received numerous awards and has been nominated for his film "Wild Ducks" presented at Josefstadt for the film Nestroy.

We go down alone the way

This achievement meets old friends and companions of the past: the painter Julian, who clings to his illegitimate son, as a mental pension, the dying Gabriele, who is rejected by his children and confides his secret that 39, to the doctor, the aging actress Irene Herms, who desires the bourgeoisie and a child, and Stephan von Sala, who wants to flee near death and hastens to meet him.

Together in Father Noster, in front of this woman


Ulrich Reinthaller, Marcus Bluhm, Bernhard Schir, Alexander Absenger, in the foreground: Alma Hasun

"Something is really wrong"

But even the young Johanna chooses suicide, because even the youth of Schnitzler's play is not unused, so the director Mateja Koleznik: "Something is really wrong in a society, even if the children do not turn anymore with hope for the future So many things nowadays, where many young people see no way out – the feeling of being lost is already in their bones, in their thoughts and feelings – there is no way only one happy person in this room, and that makes her so pessimistic at the same time and up to date. "

According to the 56-year-old director, Schnitzler's text touched her personally, as she was now at the age when one would have to recognize that every illness and every physical wear is forever and in which the relentless descent, with only To delay a reasonably healthy lifestyle, with exercise and "Gesundscheißfood".

On the whole: Maria Köstlinger as actress Irene Herms, Alma Hasun as Johanna, Therese Lohner as Gabriele, Bernhard Schir as Stephan von Sal or Urlich Reinthaller as Julian.

Now, words do not mean the same thing as before

To describe Schnitzler as a stranger whom the Viennese have hired is a great responsibility, Mateja Koleznik is self-critical. "I do not know if I respect the tradition as I should, or if I can give a completely new look to this author, I'm afraid I'll still be somewhere in between." "The Lonely Road" was inaugurated Thursday at the Theater in der Josefstadt.



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