The man behind the screams of the coyotes: Visit to Ennio Morricone | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Rome – The legendary legend rattles on the top floor. The door opens, old furniture with books, ships, souvenirs are in the lobby. Ennio Morricone opens the door of the apartment. Yves Saint Laurent black shirt with fine white stripes, comfortable shoes and black glbades. He is small. Between works of art, vases, dressers, chandeliers, old cabinets and tables in his apartment in a green suburb of Rome, the composer of Oscar-winning film music almost threatens to disappear. But his voice is firm, giving him a great presence. The "Maestro" is in a good mood, jokes and greets for kisses interview.

The night before, he conducted a wonderful concert at the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. Morricone hits as "The Ecstasy of Gold" sounds even more explosive in the archaeological site. Nearly 90 years old is the Italian composer to whom the world owes music for clbadic films like "Play me the song of death", "For a handful of dollars" or "Two glorious rascals". But not only director Sergio Leone's western, with whom Morricone was already going to school, he made his music a cult.

Always frightened by mistakes

During his 60-year career, he composed the music of some 450 films. His work is not only a source of inspiration for filmmakers, but also for clbadical composers, heavy metal bands and mobile ringtone sellers. In January, he will give his farewell concert in Germany in Berlin.

Despite all his experience, concerts are always a source of concern for him. "I'm nervous because there could always be accidents.An instrument does not reach the pitch.Maybe people (in the audience) will not notice, but I realize it. also has the rarest cases where I make a mistake, so I'm going to catch up right now, "says Morricone.

He's considered a perfectionist. He's downright obsessed, a music addict, a hangman. He composes himself each note, plays the music himself, his music was above all "to be music, and basta". "Then comes the service of the film, but only the music." Computers play it contrary to other composers such as the winner of the German Oscar Hans Zimmer no role. "Zimmer has a completely different system," says Morricone.He never wanted to appear with him.

Any life a melody

When Morricone speaks, he snores, slams and purrs his voice, imitates No noises or melodies. "Bbbrrrrrbrrrrrr" said the sawmill echoed behind his birthplace in Rome's Trastevere. "The window of our apartment went to the sawmill, where they sawn the tree trunks with an unbearable noise … brrrrrrrbrrr …. I remember it," he says. The first instrument Morricone played the trumpet. "I did not choose that, my father was playing the trumpet, he was doing well and he was feeding the family well." That's why his father advised him to do it, later he studied clbadical composition in Rome.

Rome and Morricone: always inseparable. After Hollywood, where he also has a star on the Walk of Fame, he never shot it. He had been offered a villa for free, but he refused. "I thought maybe he's a smart fox who thinks he's going to pay me less than he gives me a villa," says Morricone. He does not speak English despite his many commitments in America – he tried in vain to learn, he admits. And now – at around 90 – it's already too late.

Disappointed Hollywood

But Hollywood has been ripped off anyway. Quentin Tarantino, for example, has used his music in several films such as "Kill Bill" or "Inglourious Basterds". But it is only late that Morricone specially composed the music of a film by the American director. With the soundtrack of "The Hateful Eight" Morricone finally got the Oscar, for which he had already been nominated five times, but always came out empty handed. In 2007, he received the honorary Oscar for the work of his life, but only in 2016 for the best film music.

How was the feeling? "I remember best when I did not have it," says Morricone. "Because I always thought I deserved it, everyone knew I deserved it." But another composer won – but he did not present any original music. "They did it all "And he did not even want to come to the ceremony in Hollywood in 2016 because he had been disappointed all too often.He still won enough prizes: everyone was important even if the Oscar brings the most publicity.

In November, Morricone is 90 years old, but he does not compose anymore for the films.You must speak to him a little louder now, but otherwise he is completely fit and No sign of the grumpy "maestro" annoyed by the word "spaghetti westerns" and the constant journalistic questions about Sergio Leone, and next January he will give his last concert in Germany. "It seems to me that we do not have to I do not like it in Germany, because I do not have many concerts, "he says, when his translator tells him Since there are many well-attended concerts in Germany and he is very popular there, he replies with a laugh: "Haha, were they maybe the Swiss?" (dpa) [19659014] [ad_2]
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