The most expensive electricity and gas from 1 October


Electricity and gas will become more expensive in eastern Austria from 1 October: for an average household, the electricity bill will increase by about three euros a month, the bill of gas about 2.3 euros, according to EnergieAllianzAustria

With an annual electricity consumption of 3500 kilowatt hours (kWh), the total price (including network costs, taxes and charges) increases by five to six percent, according to EnergieAllianzAustria – Wiener Energie, EVN and Energie Burgenland – about the APA. For a gas customer with an annual consumption of 15,000 kWh, the price increase (including network costs, taxes and charges) would rise to 2 to 3%.

The electricity and gas bill consists of three elements:

The prices of electricity and gas rose

"The reasons for the price adjustment are higher purchase prices in the European energy markets for electricity and natural gas and the separation of the common area of ​​electricity prices with Germany as of October 1, "EAA said Tuesday in a press release. In domestic EAA markets, electricity and gas prices have been reduced ten times in a row since 2012 – the electricity prices of a third in several stages and gas prices of about a quarter

2.91 euros a month more, the company says to APA. For gas consumers with an annual consumption of 15,000 kWh, additional costs of € 2.31 per month are mentioned. The price of gas is now at the level of 2016, but well below the values ​​from 2011 to 2013, according to EVN. Electricity is at the level of 2014/15, but remains well below the level of 2011.

Vienna touches a little less than a million electricity consumers

Wien Energie offers now to its customers standard rates of a "loyalty bonus" of 19 days of energy when they tie up for a year. The monthly additional costs for electricity are estimated at a typical Viennese average household with an annual electricity consumption of 2,500 kilowatt hours (kWh) with 2.34 euros or 1.32 euros with loyalty bonus. In the case of natural gas, Wien-Energie customers will pay a lower fidelity premium: savings of 10,700 kWh per year are saved at 0.24 euro per month. Without loyalty bonus, the price increase is 1.70 EUR per month

With an annual consumption of 3,500 kWh of electricity, the price increase for Wien Energie customers has an additional cost from 3.27 EUR per month or 1.88 EUR per month Loyalty bonus deactivated. With an annual gas consumption of 15,000 kWh, the price increase is 2.39 euros per month, with a loyalty bonus, the customer saves even 0.30 euros per month. Nearly half a million gas consumers, nearly half a million gas consumers, are affected by nearly 100,000 customers in the electricity and natural gas sector with a floating rate.

For Energie Burgenland, the increase in the price of 3,500 kWh of additional costs of 3.22 euros per month, for gas (annual consumption of 15,000 kWh), it is 2.25 euros more .

In Salzburg AG, residential customers consuming 3,500 kWh annually have to pay 2.69 euros on July 1 pay more per month for electricity, for gas the additional cost is 3.17 euros per month , as the company announced in May.


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