The number of HIV infections has increased dramatically in some countries


AIDS on the rise: experts warn against the extension of immunodeficiency

Before the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, experts pointed out that the numbers of the HIV infections had increased significantly in some countries. In Germany, relatively few people are infected. This is also one of the reasons why the immunodeficiency disease in this country has disappeared from their heads.

Almost 37 million people live with the AIDS pathogen

Two years ago, the United Nations agreed on an ambitious plan: the global AIDS epidemic should be over. By 2030 Already the year before, the UN had announced a turnaround and announced that about 40 percent fewer HIV deaths were to be deplored worldwide. But there are still nearly 37 million people living with the HIV AIDS virus. At the 22nd World AIDS Conference, to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from July 23 to 27, some 18,000 participants will discuss ways to contain the disease. This is also necessary because the numbers of HIV infection have increased dramatically in some countries.

Prior to the World AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, experts pointed out that HIV figures have increased dramatically in some countries. In this country, relatively few people are infected. (Photo: nito /

Experts warn against the global expansion of the disease of immunodeficiency

Experts face a spectacular global expansion under the motto "Breaking" the barriers, build bridges "before the World AIDS Conference

According to media reports, the American expert on AIDS, Mark Dybul, said the alarming increase in the number of new infections coupled the growth of young people in particularly affected countries could lead to a "historic crisis".

UNAIDS (UN's anti-AIDS program) also gave the alert at the start. In 50 countries, the numbers of infection – against the global trend have increased.

Reasons: No effective prevention for the most affected groups, poor treatment programs, exclusion of people living with HIV and the most affected groups. (DAH) in a communication

The numbers of HIV infection have increased dramatically in some cases

"It's dramatic: the world has long held the keys to deal with the disease. But many countries are not benefiting, It costs lives and compromises success so far, "says Sylvia Urban of DAH's Board of Directors

.A According to DAH, one of the priorities of this conference is the situation in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia, the number of HIV infections has increased significantly.

More than 100,000 people are diagnosed with HIV each year. about two-thirds of new HIV infections in Europe

Relatively few people are infected in Germany

In Germany, the number of new HIV infections is not decreasing According to DHA, about 3100 people are infected with HIV. HIV per year in this country – a Very low by international comparison

However, it must be remembered that many people also live without HIV: estimates from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) About 14,000 Germans were infected with HIV without their knowledge at the end of 2013.

According to DAH, more than 1,000 people a year suffer from AIDS or a serious immunodeficiency because they do not know the infection and are not treated .

According to the experts, HIV today should no longer lead to AIDS.

Medications can prevent the proliferation of HIV in the body, so that "today HIV infection can be experienced properly and sustainably. In addition, therapy ensures that HIV is no longer transferable.

As DAH concludes, all the experience shows that a combination of prevention and treatment programs quickly reduces the number of infections, illnesses and deaths. (Ad)

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