The price jump: Ceconomy shares benefit from Freenet's entry | message


Ceconomy shares increase at the beginning of the session from 9.30% to 7.80 euros. In contrast, the title Freenet fell 4.05%.

Freenet gets about 9% from a capital increase at the operator's two major electronics retailers, the two companies being shown surprisingly Friday after the market closes. The stock market trader has described the premium of about 19% over the closing price of Xetra, which includes the purchase price of € 8.50 per Ceconomy share as unusual.

The strategic and financial benefits for freenet are limited, which raises questions. The discipline of the capital of the company, added the badyst Commerzbank Heike Pauls. A significant decline in Freenet's share price could, given the already attractive dividend yield, lead to a buying opportunity for long-term oriented investors. / Gl / jha /

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Sources of l & # 39; image: CECONOMY, freenet

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