The Samsung shatterproof screen; Huawei with smartphone "folding" "fast"


Regarding the display, there are two interesting news this week, in addition to a new development of Samsung, there is a challenge of Huawei. Although the latter is not official, but the core of the reports coincides with Huawei's previous approach. I absolutely want to bring to the Chinese a foldable smartphone even before Samsung at the start. Huawei works with BOE for this, and the company offers flexible displays. But Huawei often announces that the innovations of other manufacturers are mostly in special editions and rarely in mbad market alternatives. We remember "Force Touch" in the Mate S.

Samsung develops an unbreakable screen

Samsung Display has a new development at the start. Now, the company announces that an unbreakable display could be developed. Samsung has been independently removed from the display. I currently see a lot more the problem that, for example, the Gorilla Glbad used in many screens is extremely vulnerable to scratches and less for breaks. [via]

Samsung Display has developed the flexible OLED panel with an unbreakable substrate and a cover window glued on it. The flexible display products of the current generation set a window covered with glbad on their screen, which often breaks in the event of a strong collision.

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