The self-test now available in pharmacies • WOMAN.AT


Anyone who has ever done an anti-HIV test, like one of the Austrian Aidshilfen, knows what's the most difficult: wait for the result. That all the others who are sitting in the waiting room, even tense, you can definitely smell. People who do not feel comfortable with this situation or who have not yet found the way to an Aidshilfe for other reasons can now use it differently: HIV self-tests for 30 euros are now available without prescription from Austrian pharmacies. The test provides the opportunity to easily and quickly determine your own serological status. The experts hope to lower the threshold of HIV testing inhibition and thus make a significant contribution to the early detection of HIV infection. Early diagnosis has a positive effect on the success and quality of life of those affected.

It is estimated that between 8,000 and 9,000 people are living with HIV / AIDS in Austria. One to two new diagnoses are made daily. However, the timing of infection and diagnosis usually diverge: many people are diagnosed only when the disease is already advanced. This circumstance affects both the treatment and the living situation of those affected. Early diagnosis badociated with promptly initiated treatment is of great importance for the success of treatment and the quality of life of those affected.

The HIV Self Test is an antibody test that excludes an HIV infection 12 weeks after the last contact with the risk. It can take a long time for the formation of antibodies that the test will detect. The test can be done quickly and easily. A drop in the fingertip removes a drop of blood for testing. According to the test, HIV status will be displayed in a few minutes. For the test to be performed properly at home and those who perform the test, the necessary information is available, a prior conversation with the pharmacist is necessary.

Positive result. What now?

Positive HIV self-test does not mean HIV diagnosis! If the HIV self-test shows a positive result, it must be verified by another lab test. The experts advise in such cases to quickly consult a doctor and / or a treatment center of the Austrian AIDS Society (ÖAG) or Aids Hilfe. "It's important for everyone to know their HIV status, so new HIV infections are detecting them as early as possible, so we welcome this opportunity for HIV self-testing." HIV testing, doctors and AIDS Society treatment centers are available, and patients are quickly provided with personal support, badistance and psychological support, "said Armin Rieger, President of the Austrian Society.

"The work of Aidshilfen shows the importance of a low threshold test offer. The self-test offers other possibilities here and is often the impetus to reflect on one's own behavior and to seek advice, "says Wolfgang Wilhelm, president of Aids Hilfe Wien. "The Aidshilfe Austria teams offer free and anonymous support for this purpose.In addition, Aids Hilfe Wien has set up a national HIV self-help line to answer any questions about HIV / AIDS. use, shelf life and storage, test security, diagnostic test window and procedure for a reactive result. "

Direct line of HIV testing: 0800 25 22 89 (Busy Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm)

You can find contacts at Aidshilfen Österreich here.

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