The Spurs are like a new beginning for Pöltl


The Spurs are like a new beginning for Pöltl

VIENNA / SAN ANTONIO. Two days after the first transfer of his NBA career, Jakob Pöltl took off yesterday from Vienna to his new sports residence, San Antonio.

  The Spurs are like a new start for Pöltl

Pöltl takes off towards Texas. Image: APA

"It's a bit like a new start," said the 22-year-old basketball professional handed over to the San Antonio Spurs by the Toronto Raptors as part of a largest transfer company. The Viennese also expressed confidence to earn more time with the Texans than with Toronto: "Luck is definitely here." Last but not least, the Spurs, with LaMarcus Aldridge (33 years old) and Pau Gasol (38), have two players under the basket who are already advanced.

Known since yesterday: Dirk Nowitzki joins his 21st Dallas season go. The 40-year-old German is expected to collect 4.31 million euros for his one-year contract

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