"The voice of Germany": Matthias Nebel in the second round


"One person can sing that!", Said many fans about the cult rock song "Bed of Roses". The speech is of course Jon Bon Jovi: the rock legend composed the song in 1992 while it remained – "restfett", we would say Styrian – was in a hotel. With his recognizable and scratching voice, he made the song a clbadic.

Rockstar of Styria

At least as much power and emotion place a young Frauentaler musician in this song: Matthias Nebel chose the song for his blind audition on "The Voice of Germany". "With the song, I will force the coaches to ring at the latest," he said in advance. Anyone who has ever heard Matthias singing, knowing that Bon Jovi fits him like a fist. And he did not have to convince the coaches before the last bars. He had already caught him by his side when he had left the rocker.

You can watch here the full version of Matthias.

Desired Coach Paddy

The audience in the studio "Voice" also – so much so that they asked for a reminder directly. They understood that and then it became serious for Matthias: Because the four coaches had returned to have him in their team. Readers of WOCHE will have known what is happening now: Nebel's dream coach was Michael Patrick Kelly. "Because he sings in English, it was important to me because I much prefer to sing in English myself," Matthias said. "He has appeared on so many international stages, he can show me a lot of things, and that's also my style of music," he says about "Paddy."


Matthias could even celebrate in the coaches' seats, who were already singing on stage for his favor. And of course with his group companions, his half-brother and his obviously proud father (himself a talented singer), who supported him in Berlin. "Saugeil, Hearst!" Was probably the first time to be heard on German television. And live in front of the television, Matthias was able to celebrate under the busy party tent of Café Kaijo in Deutschlandsberg.

The reactions in the network immediately after the appearance of the television were enthusiastic. Like here in the comments:

Short break until November

Now, the 26-year-old starts working with his coach, because it will not be easier. "The competition at" The Voice "is huge because they only take people who really know how to sing," says Matthias about his competitors. "For each of the 150 auditions to be blind, they badume that it can go a long way." The battles will take place in the next round, but the woman will take a while to do it. Until early November, blind auditions are still running on ProSieben and Sat.1, and then the second round begins.

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