There are no zombies in Fortnite


Fortnite is teeming with monsters. But Epic makes it clear that they are not zombies.

We do not use the word Z: In a statement to The Verge, Epic made it clear that there were no zombies in the Fortnite universe.

Fortnite Zombie

No zombie.

Jürgen likes the new monsters in Battle Royale mode and the old monsters of "Save the World" have names, but none of them is "Zombie":

Officially, they are called "dice monsters" (cube monster), says Epic. In the German patch notes, they appear under the name "Scheusale".

An Epic employee goes on to explain: From one side to the other of Fortnite, we do not call any opponents to a "zombie". In Rette, there are "hulls" and "monsters" of various types and types.

As in Shaun of the Dead: Epic follows the motto of the movie "Shaun of the Dead".

There, the main character Shaun clearly states, "We do not say the word-Z. It's silly!"

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It's behind: "We do not use the word-Z" is a typical zombie movie motif caricatured in "Shaun of the Dead" (via TvTrope).

Zombies appear in many movies, TV shows and comics that are taken seriously, but are called differently:

  • about "infected" (28 days later)
  • "Walker" or "Biter" (The Walking Dead)
  • In the modern zombies movie "Train to Busan", he is almost completely avoided giving a name to the zombies – just like a hashtag, they appear in a message (#Zombies)

In some films, it is clearly stated that the "zombie" pop cultural phenomenon does not exist. So "The Walking Dead" plays in an alternative scenario, in which there has never been a zombie movie. Therefore, it is something completely new for the peoples of this world to meet the mordant.

Overkills The Walking Dead Heath

The fact that the characters in a movie do not name the "monster", as almost all viewers call it, can only be seen by zombies. It's so common in movies.

You do not want all clichés to sound, because it would spoil the tension. By stating that you already know the zombies of dozens of movies, you lose the particularity.

Fortnite monster

Most players, as well as content creators, call more zombies the monsters of Fortnite.

Even Epic admits that you understand why "cubic monsters" are called zombies.

Incidentally, the "Scheusale" split the community of Fortnite and have already made the first reactions of Epic necessary:

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