These Android apps already use the feature · ⊃


As part of its developer conference, Google showed how dark mode affects the battery life of your smartphone. The potential for savings is sometimes impressive. The dark design is in the settings of many Android apps.

In several presentation slides that Google will show at the Android Dev Summit, indicate how much this affects energy consumption, if the white pattern is wrapped in a black veil: in the # 39; YouTube app, for example, consumption has dropped 60% because of the dark design,

Dark mode in Google Maps and Co.

Google apps also have the Android SMS Messages app and the Google Gboard keyboard with such a setting, which counts 9to5Google. Pixel Launcher, the startup screen of Pixel smartphones, has also been provided by developers with the functionality often required by users. The dark mode also spares the eyes after dark. Convenient: Google News offers an app that users can use for a longer period of time.

Many will have already noticed that the display of Google Maps in the evening to a dark design improves. The presentation not only looks elegant, but you do not have to wait until dusk. In the settings of "Navigation Settings" and "Map Display", you can set dark mode to always be enabled. You can also turn off Google Authenticator and Google's Snapseed Photo Editor.

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