These are the phones with the strongest radiation '


That a health hazard emanates from a smartphone, remains controversial. The Statista German Statistical Portal now provides a preview. Result: a manufacturer stands out negatively.

13:30, 28 October 2018

© Dan Race – Fotolia

In Germany, since 1998, there is a radiation limit that mobile phones can not exceed, the so-called SAR (where SAR stands for "specific absorption rate"). This value is allowed on a smartphone two watts per kilogram not to exceed. It is also a recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO). In Austria, manufacturers have voluntarily committed only to provide the SAR value – and this is often well hidden somewhere in the manual. The SAR value indicates the amount of human tissue that heats up under the effect of cell phone radiation.

Scientifically, it is still controversial whether mobile phone radiation poses a health risk – and if, how big is it. There are both studies that warn of urgency and studies that exclude almost any danger.

A ranking of the statistics portal Statista, created from German company information Federal Office of Radiation Protection, Now gives an overview of the devices currently on the market and their radiation intensity. All appliances are less than two watts per kilogram.

Photo © Statista

However, one manufacturer stands out: the Chinese supplier Huawei. Six of the ten most powerful mobile phones come from its production. But high-end manufacturers are also present. The iPhone 7 ranks in tenth place, the iPhone 8 in twelfth place. However, the smartphone with the most powerful radiation is the Xiaomi Mi A1 (SAR value: 1.75).

Another feature is also at the other end of the list: among the 15 devices with the lowest SAR values, Samsung's smartphones are six times better.

Photo © Statista

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