These coke drinks are not doing well


Test the losers: these coke drinks are not doing well

These are the real calorie bombs

The color of the drink is a problem for the testers: the typical brown of a Coca-Cola almost always comes from the caramel coloring. He brought the pollutant 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI). This substance is considered to be a potential carcinogen.

The fact that Red Bull Cola exceeds the limit for alcohol is "a flagrant violation of the law", the Stiftung Warentest says in its article. From his point of view, this indicates insufficient quality control. For pregnant women and children, the amount of three grams per liter is safe. Even for dry alcoholics, the risk of relapse is low. So much alcohol can be in the fruit juice.

The foundation also discovered the secret of cola through laboratory badysis. The spectra of the aromas were determined: all had a similar taste – with aromas of citrus, cinnamon, and still some with nutmeg. Bitter caffeine also contributes to the taste of cola. It must be labeled as an aroma because it comes mainly from synthetic manufacturing, as explained by salespeople to testers.

Stiftung Warentest: Coca-Cola with bad grades

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