This is how diabetics live better and longer


The Austrian Diabetes Association is organizing this year's Diabetes Day on Sunday, October 21st in Innsbruck. On this occasion, the health advisor, Bernhard Tilg, presented the new data available on the Tyrolean Diabetes Registry (DRT). Since 2006, data on 17,193 diabetic patients in the Tyrolean Diabetes Registry (TRD) have been collected nationwide in ten participating hospital departments and eight internist offices. This accounts for more than a third of the estimated 47,000 diabetics diagnosed in the Tyrol.

Health advisor Bernhard Tilg is counting on even better care for diabetics in Tyrol. – Photo: Land Tirol / Shepherd

"The new data for the period 2006-2016 is of great importance for health policy, and diabetes, along with cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, is the biggest public health challenge of the 21st century. a confirmation of the future treatment of diabetic patients on the basis of telemedicine ", says LR Bernhard Tilg at" DiabCare Tirol ".

This pilot project has been underway in Landeck District since August 2017 and provides ongoing support to diabetic patients through a unified network of outpatient hospital services, mobile dieticians and general practitioners.

Change of lifestyle necessary

Current DRT badyzes highlight the need for more and more lifestyle changes in patients with respect to risk factors for smoking, being overweight, and low physical activity. Among Type 2 diabetics, only 34.8% reported physical activity of more than 2.5 hours per week. It can also be seen that the proportion of obese patients among type 2 diabetics is 41.8%. 30.3% of type 1 diabetics were also active smokers. All information relates to the period 2006-2016.

The network of "DiabCare Tirol" currently helps 80 patients to effectively reduce risk factors. Patients in the outpatient metabolic clinic of Zams hospital are introduced to the simple operation of a special mobile phone application. As a result, they regularly submit their health records electronically to the Zams Hospital. As soon as the blood sugar reaches a "pre-alert level", the hospital automatically engages a doctor or dietician.

"DiabCare" in Landeck involves patients

Results to date in Landeck District show that affected people greatly value this care and feel that their quality of life has improved significantly. At the same time, close support encourages patients to be more concerned about their health and to take the necessary measures regularly. Diabetic patients are therefore actively involved in the treatment.

"Thanks to telemedicine, we have found a suitable solution to protect diabetic patients against premature deaths and serious sequelae such as blindness, amputation or kidney failure," said the health advisor. , "DiabCare Tirol". At the same time, this new therapeutic management represents a considerable saving: the health costs of a person with diabetes mellitus are up to 400% higher than those of non-diabetics due to possible complications. "DiabCare Tirol" should be extended to other districts.

As part of a diabetes study currently being undertaken by the UMIT State University, the management structure of diabetes mellitus is under investigation for the first time in an Austrian region of Landeck District. The goal is to establish a flawless record of all patients with diabetes mellitus over a three-year period and thus provide a complete description of the district's structure of care.

This study is another component of a global concept of diabetes, which should generate the appropriate knowledge. The investigator is Dr. med. Hans-Robert Schönherr from the Zams Hospital Internal Service: "Diabetes mellitus – also known as diabetes in common parlance – is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels, and estimates suggest that up to To eight percent of the population suffer from diabetes.The trend is on the rise.The Tyrol Diabetes Registry of the Institute of Clinical Epidemiology currently has 1,881 diabetic patients living in the Landeck District , mainly supported by Zams hospital. "However, all patients in Landeck District must be registered, including diabetics supported by their doctor.

National Institute of Clinical Epidemiology (IET)

"The DRT provides a high quality database through its many years of systematic data collection and thus supports the definition of health policy goals in the field of diabetes care," thanked Irmgard Delmarko, Director of the Institute of Clinical Epidemiology (IET). This institution in the province of Tyrol is one of the leading providers of epidemiological data and badessments in Austria. The IET was founded in 1986 – at the time under the name of Tumorregister Tirol – and is part of the Institute of Integrated Care (IIV) of tyrol treatment clinics. The "quality management" of the IET is certified, which proves the high orientation of the client and the efficiency of the institute's processes.

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