This rural Raymond wants everyone to like "


The 25th anniversary of the Raimundspiele Gutenstein offered local politicians plenty of opportunities for the pathos to open on Wednesday night. In fact, the lion's share of the Lower Austria Summer Theater pays the land. From modest beginnings, this little theatrical phoenix stands in front of Hoyos Castle in the charming seaside resort of Raimund in 2000, in an attractive location – thanks to the energetic programmer of the ORF, Ernst (19659002). Wolfram Marboe (1938-2012). Currently, actress Andrea Eckert, who has acquired the public darling etiquette diligently, the summer games, they have tried a lot, with varying benefits. This year, colleague Veronika Glatzner led Raimund's "spendthrift". She seems to be strongly influenced by Michael Sturminger, she played with him – and in Perchtoldsdorf, where he is artistic director, released an exciting "Minna von Barnhelm" in 2017.

Like Sturminger, Glatzner relies on a wealth of ideas, but an inflammatory thesis is missing, which would be necessary for the "waste spent". There are the dark and deadly productions of Raimund, as Helmut Wiesner has often wonderfully mastered, there is the game with the old magical game that may seem a little archaic, or satire. It would not be bad to innovate in this Viennese clbadic

A little boy delights in the first, he blows the trumpet, not always correct, but keen to hunt, the beautiful company sleeps on the rich field of Julius Flottwell again. There is much in the "Verschwender" (1834), the protagonist reminiscent of Everyman and the "Torn" of Nestroy, which he wrote ten years later, and the "Midsummer Night's" Shakespeare's Dream "flickers softly. Martin Bermoser seems almost too friendly as a protagonist, the Flottwell is also a spoiled and unpredictable guy. His lousy valet Wolf (Dominik Warta), who enriches himself with his master, must here behave in a way, a variation on intuition. Grischka Voss makes a lot of wind for his effective supporting roles, but they are too rude, have also bothered his German accent. She's funny as a punk gardener.

Whispering about the VT estate in Vienna

Also exasperating Edward Wildner as French aristocrat and Raphael Nicholas, the latter, as an architect, brings the delightful malice of Raimund against the construction industry booming on the ramp. The language is well repeated. A nice couple is Valentin Holger Schober and his Rosa (Elisa Seydel). Andrea Eckert, as Azure's beggar and ghost, provides poetry and mystery that move away from performance.

The children of Michael Sturminger, Paul and Marie, show talent for scenography and original costumes. Especially nice is the insane music of the Biedermeier way. As it is clear that Anna Badora will leave the Vienna Volkstheater 2019/20, whispering in Vienna: "Get the Eckert!", She was already in conversation after the end of the Emmy Werners era in 2005 in as a VT boss.

Charisma has Eckert – and a nose for the public. One may wonder if she has enough artistic power to bring the popular theater back to the public. Of course, everything depends on first-clbad actors. These are not these. But: Gutenstein has another useful Raymond. For 2019 there is a biopic of the poet Felix Mitterer announced. Good luck!

("Die Presse", printed edition, 13.07.2018)

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