Thousands want Marvel movie without men – cinema


At the end of this month, the new Marvel band "Ant-Man and The Wasp" will be released in Austrian theaters. Although actress Evangeline Lilly plays the second lead role in the movie as Hope van Dyne, fans find that Marvel superheroes are far too few protagonists in front of the lens. The competitor DC Comics is already a few steps away with Catwoman and Wonder Woman in this case – but Marvel improves: A film about Captain Marvel will be released early 2019, a project with Black Widow is underway.



Petition Gathers More Than 7,000 Signatures

To counter the lack of women in action movies, Alison P., a native of the United States, asked for the week last a band of Marvel with an exclusive distribution. composed of women. The cartoon fan writes on the website of the online petition, "And if Black Widow, Colleen Wing, Gamora, Peggy Carter and The Wasp team up to make a film and unite all the female superpowers of Marvel Comic Universe, rather cool! "

P. petition Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios. In addition, the American suggests to fans to insist on this film – after all, we want to see Black Widow and Gamora in protagonist. She wants to collect 10,000 signatures. For more than a week, the petition has more than 7,000 supporters

All United Marvel Superheroes

The reason for their engagement is a statement from the star of "The Wasp", Evageline Lilly. The actress recently reported in an interview on "" her desire to make a purely feminine film: "Marvel actresses are currently talking about a" female only "film, we would like to do that and I think we should all put as much pressure on Kevin as possible to make it happen. "

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