Thun: "Mamma Mia!" Premiere on the Floating Stage – Region: Thun


Mom, mia! A wonderful summer day in Greece, a small island with a beach and the tavern of Donna (Monica Quinter) next door. And there Tanja (Patricia Hodell), slim and stalled, and Rosi (Gigi Moto), slightly chubby and with a backpack on the back, now want to go there.

Rosi comes out of the boat. Panting, her Tanja jostling with her pink high heels. She pulls her two pink suitcases heavily on the wooden battens of the pier and protests: "Heiland Stärne – if I had known that the hotel was stumbling over the Acropolis, I would have keni agglomerated."

For the first time, the Thunerseespiele produce the musical "Mamma Mia!" In Swiss german and open air Wednesday, they celebrated their first in all ranks.Abba's world-famous comedy has was created in London in 1999 and filmed in 2008. "Mamma Mia!" tells the story of single mom Donna, who sang with Rosi and Tanja as a trio Donna & the Diamonds in the late sixties. Ten, and his daughter Sophie The 20-year-old girl now wants to get married, but not without realizing her dream: to know her father

Out of the overall performance of the ensemble, the 26 professional artists are Monica Quinter and Judith von Orelli not only with their great voices, but also because the two are almost always on stage in the two hour and fifteen minute show: Donna as a self-made self-made entrepreneur; Sophie is a beautiful girl who even steals his dream (the day Donna's nal) and her lies (she invites the three possible fathers in the name of Donna to the wedding). One of the most touching scenes is that where Sophie asks her mother to drive her in front of the original

Patricia Hodell, flirtatious as Tanja, still has to be distinguished. Just like Gigi Moto, who gives his outdoor debut and as a clumsy Rosi wins the heart right away. Delightfully, Erich Hättenschwiler (like Bill), from elsewhere, with his partner Dominik Flaschka, who runs "Mamma Mia!"

translated the dialogues of English, as well as Nathaniel Schaer (as Harry), the final applause at the premiere on Monday represented the foot and so occurred on Wednesday at the premiere with crutches, the roles of two of the three possible fathers.

Center of the environment with lake and mountains is the decor in three parts (Stephan Prattes), spread over 1300 square meters. Suitable details such as fishing nets or white facades at the tavern form a unit with costume design (Kathrin Baumberger), the mask image (Ronald Fahm) and the natural landscape.

The 24 members of the choir play the role of backdrop, either by photographing tourists or as Greek fishermen. Perfectly solved is the central tavern, which can be toured and offers several venues. The group of 17 members – this time not an orchestra – gives life to the songs on the third floor of the warehouse under the direction of Ivan Vasilevski

The costumes, whether the day before, when Donna, Tanja and Rosi in their shrill hippie robes Rüschchen the breaths spray the power of flowers at the time. Or when the ghosts in Sophie's nightmare wander on the stage in morbid wedding dresses and oversized skulls.

Comedy flickers with sketches and songs. Almost nobody on the 2800-seat grandstand, the Abba tunes are foreign. Overall, the women in the play, who presents themselves with a choreography (Jonathan Huor) that stretches across the entire island landscape, are particularly impressive. Even the hardy potatoes peel the full-bodied Greek (member of the Doris Morgenthaler choir), who is present as a silent observer almost throughout the room.

Every detail is thought. Also the white flag Sophie swings at the beginning and at the end of the piece. The painted OXI letters indicate both a political movement in Greece and the rebellious side of Donna's daughter.

The first was preceded by the songs of Abba translated into Bernese. In fact, this requires the willingness to face this encounter. But already to the successes "Chiquitita" or at the latest to "Dancing Queen", when the replicas of sausages and sausages conchita in sequins and feathers of peabad or half-masks fly over the stage, the ice is broken. The audience applauds, cradles, buzzes, sings and sculpts – and the Bernese German is forgotten and forgiven.

On the other hand, there are critics of Matthias Arn (as a possible father Sam) and Angelo Canonico (as the love of Sophie). They are not always able to convince vocally.

The writing of Flaschka sometimes shows clearly and according to the original text. The director of Zurich's Theater am Hechtplatz is known for his wit and puns. This can be seen in "Mamma Mia!" In unsavory words like "Schnäbi-Treger". But it never seems vulgar or too obscene, perhaps frivolous and too daring for some, but always trumps the desire for pleasure and inter-gender and gender.

Dominik Flaschka and Roman Riklin, who translated the lyrics as the most successful music producers in Switzerland today. From September 28th, his next piece will be on tour: "Supermarket Ladies".

"Mamma Mia!" Keep coming up with fun slapstick – the visual form of humor. The most typical scene of the floating scene is probably that of the song "Wi wars üs zwöi?". Rosi charm Bill in the middle of the public clamor, and they let themselves go when brides and pastors appear. There is already a lot of exaltation in the stands

. Clichés such as those of the three possible fathers are skilfully recorded: with Bill, who serves the Grisons' adventurer, with Harry as a mean fan of FC St. Gallen or with Sam as an easy snobby Zurich

Anyway , the darkness supports the final clarification in the story. Lighthouses help put things in a good light (Christian Joller). Not only is the group in the container visible through the blinds, but everyone's dreams are fulfilled. "I wow, I wott, I wott, I wott," sings Donna in her wedding dress, and Sophie, still single, puts on her backpack and, before leaving, wavers the flag with the sung words, "I know it is angu / tüe guets.

The Thunerseespiele has managed to turn the small-scale indoor into a cosmopolitan outdoor version, while connecting Swiss dialects and linguistic regions. And most importantly, the public hardly brings back the songs of Abba on the way home.

PS: And who wants to hear Abba's hits again in English and above all, would like to know how it goes with Donna, Sophie and Co .: In the cinema, from July 19 "Mamma Mia! ", Second part.

"Mamma Mia!" Will be played until Thursday, August 30th. The video recordings of the play are available on (Berner Zeitung)

Created: 11.07.2018, 22:41

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