Tick Summer: Where to be very careful and how to protect yourself


Risk of TBE infection at a record level: tick in the summer! Why you must be very careful

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There are more ticks than ever this year. As a result, a high number of TBE and Lyme disease is expected. VIP News spoke to an expert: All about the cause of who is at risk and how you can protect yourself.

It should not be a scare tactic, but people should be a little more attentive this year than when they go to the countryside, because the risk of being bitten by a tick is particularly high this year because "2018 is the year with the highest tick activity in the last ten years," says Gerhard Dobler. The Oberfeldarzt of the Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces, Munich, heads the consulting lab of the Robert Koch Institute on the FSME, ie the I & # 39; tick-borne encephalitis. It is a viral brain and meningitis transmitted by infected ticks.

Tick increase as expected

Thus, 600 ticks were collected in 90 minutes in a model area in eastern Bavaria, comparable to other areas at risk in Germany – a disk. For the skilled person, however, not unexpected. Already last year, he and other experts had predicted this increase on the basis of epidemiological data and now in ProMED, a global warning system for infectious diseases has again underlined

Ticks have a longer season and now conquer the mountains

The extremely high population are several factors, "says Dobler.On one side, this is the beech mast two years ago. are the preferred food of the mice and therefore breed rodents in the beech fattening years.

For newly hatched ticks, mice are vital as they suck their blood, so that 's not a problem. they are badually mature and continue to breed.In addition, the weather plays, the following winters were mild, the spring warm and the wet summer – all the factors that are favorable for ticks.

In total, obs experts ervent that tick activity over the last ten years, even in the spring installs a month earlier and contracts a further month in the fall. In addition, arachnids appear to spread even at altitudes up to 800 meters – areas where leeches were previously rare. "There are already TBEs at higher altitudes", warns Gerhard Dobler

The risk of TBE and borreliosis is so high

As a result, doctors already record a little more TBE and disease Lyme, the two most important diseases. which can be transmitted by tick bite. Already in 2017, there was a record year with nearly 500 cases of TBE and about 80,000 cases of Lyme disease.

There are no drugs against TBE, but only one vaccine. Borreliosis caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi helps antibiotics, but no vaccine is available. Especially FSME is dangerous because it can cause permanent neurological and psychological damage, such as paralysis.

Especially high is the risk in TBE risk areas (endemic areas):

  • Bayern

  • Baden-Württemberg

  • Hesse

  • Thuringia and Saxony

  • Saarland

  • Rhineland Palatinate [19659022] There are 0.5 to 3% infections with TBE viruses. Borrelia, on the other hand, can be found in 20 to 30 percent of all ticks in Germany. The risk of catching Lyme disease or TBE after a tick bite depends on this rate of infection – but also on the speed at which the tick is removed. "Borrelia are transmitted when the tick is aspirated after twelve to 16 hours, but TBE virus immediately," the researchers said. The longer the tick is, the more the infection spreads to the virus, and the more it spreads viruses with its saliva.

    Remove ticks immediately

    It is therefore important to have a tick that has been tucked into the mouth. The best is to remove immediately and not wait until the next day if the doctor can do it. Tweezers, ticks, sling and lbado are proven tools for professionally eliminating ticks.

TBE after a walk in the city park

But best of all, do not even let it come to the bite of the tick. The most important is to realize that there are a lot of ticks on the road this year, which increases the risk of tuberculosis and Lyme disease. The danger exists especially in the Endemiegebieten, but not only as formerly in the forests and meadows, but also in the city park and even in the cultivated gardens. Mice and birds can drag infected ticks.

Shoot the bites

Protect yourself. The most important thing is to wear long pants and put the hem in your socks, even if you only walk in the grbad. "And after your stay in the country, watch the ticks carefully," recommends Gerhard Dobler. Because arachnids often walk on the skin for hours until they have found a favorable place to sting. Before they can be removed easily.

TBE vaccine also for small children

The most effective protection against TBE is vaccination. Previously, it was only recommended to forestry workers, foresters and farm workers. "Today, anyone who likes to be in the countryside should be vaccinated in areas at risk," says Gerhard Dobler. Incidentally, this is especially important for children who are very much there. "We still have cases of children, such as forest children's gardens that have been infected with TBE," says the expert. Currently, it affects a child in Bavaria, one in Baden-Württemberg and a caregiver.

Even so-called benign forms of TBE, that is, if they occur in the brain without strong symptoms, can cause permanent neurological damage. lead to learning difficulties, according to the researchers. This has often been neglected and only clarified by a Swedish study. The TBE vaccine can already receive children for more than one year.

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Anyone who lives in a risky area or a holiday must know that there are a lot of ticks this year. Proper clothing and careful examination of the skin all over the body can usually protect against tick bites. Much more security provides the TBE vaccine, which is important for all those who are often in risk areas in the countryside – and these include in these areas meanwhile clean garden or city park.

In Video: Can trigger meningitis – number TBE risk zones in Germany are growing

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