Tips-Glücksstern & OÖN-Christkindl invite to operetta and gala for a good cause


Upper Austria / LINZ. When it comes to helping people in the country, people like to get together. To help the High Austrians, who have debts without their fault, Tips and OÖN invite you to a charity operetta on December 11 and the gala on January 15. The net proceeds of both events go directly to Tips-Glücksstern and OÖN-Christkindl-Aktion.

The program of the turbulent operetta "Der Vogelhändler" in musical theater and glamorous gala at the Schauspielhaus on the promenade is very different, but the goal is the same: enjoy the culture at the highest level and do good to people in need.

Adam of Tyrol and Christel von der Post

The "dealer of birds" in musical theater can expect romantic confusion and timeless clbadics such as "I am the Christel of the Post Office" or "gives a rose to the Tyrol". The show starts at 19:30.

Eric Papilaya, Chris Pichler, the boys' choir and much more.

Four days later, on Saturday, December 15, OÖN-Christkindl collects donations for the needy inhabitants of Upper Austria during the traditional Gala at the Linz Schauspielhaus. At the gala, you can attend performances of the Florian Boys Choir choir, with the traditional reading of the governor and many other contributions from local artists. Eric Papilaya, former participant in the song contest, will participate in the evening. Chris Pichler, the award-winning actress, reads and sings, including a song by Marilyn Monroe.

Tickets for both events are available at

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