Tokyo Stock Exchange closed – Nikkei at its lowest level since March 2016


Tokyo / Hong Kong / Shanghai (APA / dpa-AFX) – Asian stock markets continued their weak progress on Friday. The Japan and Hong Kong stock markets both have significant weekly losses.

In Japan, the Nikkei 225 finished Friday with a loss of 0.40% to 21,184.60 meters and the week with a reduction of just under 6%. This is the biggest weekly loss since the beginning of February this year. In addition, the Japanese leading index is back to its lowest level since March 2016, after a fourth consecutive loss of a week.

On Friday, inventories of electronics manufacturers were particularly weak, after Canon reduced the annual forecast. Newspapers have lost just over 5%.

The CSI 300, which includes the 300 most important stocks on the Chinese mainland, recently lost 0.94% to 3,164.44 points, which would currently represent a slight weekly gain.

In Hong Kong, however, is the fifth consecutive week loss. The reduction in the Hang Seng index is currently 3% over the whole week. This Friday, he was the last to give 0.87% to 24,777.92 points. This time, it was mostly the shares of online giant Tencent that contributed to the losses, with a loss of nearly 3%.

Market observers said investors 'concerns about companies' future earnings prospects increased. It was also shown in the US direction, after the two tech giants, Amazon and Alphabet, were disappointed with their quarterly reports the night before. In addition, the global economic situation is of great concern because tariff disputes – particularly between the United States and China – were still not in sight.

~ ISIN XC0009692440 ~ APA075 2018-10-26 / 09: 22

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