Tokyo Stock Exchange leads third week of losses



Business people in front of a stock market in Japan.

(Photo: AP)

TokyoThe Japanese stock market followed a course on Friday for the third week following losses. The Nikkei index, with a value of 225, was down 1.1% in Tokyo, to 22,411 points around noon. The broader Topix index also lost 1.1% to 1685 points.

According to experts, the trade dispute, the fight for the Italian budget, the prospect of a rise in interest rates in the United States and concerns about growth in China have weighed on the stock market. The index of trading platforms in the Asia Pacific region, excluding Japan, also declined.

China's growth engine continues to grow. The economy of the People's Republic rose only 6.5% in the third quarter compared to the same period last year, as announced Friday the government. In the previous quarter, it was still 6.7%. Experts expected a slowdown in the economy, especially following tightening credit controls in Beijing to curb the debt explosion.

However, the decline was stronger than expected – which led Chinese leaders to change course and encourage banks to lend. Private consumption and investment have also slowed, but values ​​remain stable. After the imposition by the US government of tariffs of up to 25% on imports from China, exports from the People's Republic also weakened.

The euro has barely changed and traded at $ 1,1454. The US currency traded at 112.23 yen. The Swiss franc was valued at 0.9966 francs for one dollar and 1.1421 francs for one euro.

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