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Looking for the most popular apps for your iPhone or Android smartphone? With the mbad of applications, it's not always easy to keep track. Netzwelt presents the top 10 applications of the App Store and the Google Play Store for the month of November.

Let's show the top 10 most popular apps this month. (Source: scanrail / depositphotos.com)
If you call your own smartphone, you certainly have some applications installed on it. WhatsApp or Facebook belong to many users of the basic equipment, but of course to one or the other game. Searching for popular apps on the App Store or the Google Play Store can be tedious with the mbad of applications.
The best apps for Android, iPhone and iPad theme With the right apps, you can get the most out of your smartphone or tablet. Whether games, navigation apps, support tools or Shooping apps. We show you in this article the best apps for Android, iPhone and iPad. Watch now
To find out more quickly which applications are currently in high demand and not to be missed on your mobile phone, we present the top 10 applications for your iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone.
Top 10 apps and games for iOS
Below, we present the most popular applications for iPhone. Usually, you can easily use the applications of your iPad. Incidentally, you will find popular games as well as clbadic apps.
The top 10 apps and games for iOS in November
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The 10 best apps and games for Android
If you use an Android smartphone or tablet, you can usually find your apps and games on the Google Play Store. We show you below what is currently being announced for Android users.
The 10 best apps and games for Android in november
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The best apps and all the time
Of course, many old acquaintances can be found in app tables every month in app stores. Facebook, WhatsApp and Co. are an integral part of the Top 10. That's why we present below the 10 most popular apps of all time that should not be missing on your smartphone or tablet.
The best iOS and Android apps of all time
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About: On our great preview page "The best apps for Android, iPhone and iPad", we present the best programs and games for your smartphone or tablet.
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Smartphone, tablets and smartphones Android and tablets and smartphones iOS.
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