Tour de France 2018: Marcel Kittel – "You play with your life"


D The French call it "The Kaiser". And Marcel Kittel has really earned the respect – no German professional cyclist has celebrated more daily successes at the Tour de France than the 30 years. At the start of the Tour de France this year, however, he could not add another stage victory to his 14 stage wins. In the sprint victory of Colombian Fernando Gaviria after 201 kilometers Kittel was the best third German. A practicable start in a difficult one-way trip.

WORLD: Mr. Kittel, do you really want to go around?

Marcel Kittel: Of course! The question is: can one feel the right amount of pleasure in such extreme suffering that gives you the ride for three weeks? I do! And I'm sure that no matter who they ask about starters, everyone will answer: I'm happy to be part of the biggest cycling show on the planet, even if it's exhausting.

WORLD: But will not your joy be overshadowed by the mysterious doping exemption of defending champion Chris Froome and the dramatic accident of Olympic champion Kristina Vogel? His colleague from Bahnradsport follows his terrible collision two weeks ago at the Cottbus cement oval with the heaviest injuries to the intensive care unit

Bahnradstar after a serious fall at the hospital

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Drama about Kristina Vogel: The double track Olympic champion dropped during training at Cottbus and suffered a serious injury to the spine.

Kittel: These two things make me think a lot. As far as Kristina is concerned, it is not sports, but life itself. This one is again founded, it sharpens your senses, which is really important in life. I was ready when I heard about his tragedy. Even though I am very busy with his destiny, I have to hide it now and then. Otherwise, I can go home.

WORLD: As a sprint specialist, who plays at tempo 70, you too are at extreme health risk.

Kittel: Cycling is a very dangerous Sport sport. In a way, you already play with your life. I am aware of this, and I also realize that something can always go wrong, especially in the sprint.

WORLD: Is the fear of serious falls falling

Smock: Guy who can hide everything and is completely crazy in the gaps. A sprint final is a familiar scenario for me. I do not feel bad at ease and I am not afraid. I'm just trying to do my thing and I do not think about what might happen.

  Goal of the first stage of the Tour: the Colombian Fernando Gaviria imposes himself in front of the Slovak, Peter Sagan (2nd from the left) and Marcel Kittel (l.)

Goal of the first stage of the Round: The Colombian Fernando Gaviria imposes in front of the Slovaks Peter Sagan (2nd on the left) and Marcel Kittel (on the left)


WORLD: So, according to the motto: Close your eyes, will you?

Kittel: I do not want to put myself as a maniac. Of course, it can also crack, but I trust my fellow runners that they have the spirit and character under control and that they control and that they do not make crazy shit. We are all pretty much the same and, of course, we want to go out with healthy skin. After all, we all want to live.

WORLD: Although it often looks like a hara-kiri if you follow the handlebars between the last meters before the finish line.

Kittel: For the Aliens can be a special thrill. For us, runners, it's just the work we have good control

WORLD: Whatever it is, better than the endless problem of doping. Is not it a slap for you as an advertising ambbadador for the new generation of clean cycling as defending champion Chris Froome is allowed to race even though he is positive?

Kittel: This is not what I would say. That's at least what we demanded as athletes, namely that there is always a decision in his case before the tour. [1965] 1313 WORLD: but not justified by the UCI World Cycling Federation and the World Anti-Doping Agency Wada

Kittel: Of course, there must be something to be done after the day. ;acquittal. Only if the reason makes sense, the presumption of innocence continues to apply, and then you should also leave the church in the village. But it's not my job to bring light into the darkness. The media is needed, above all, they can make a significant contribution to enlightenment.

Froome – "The hard months for me"

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For several months, Chris Froome, four times winner of the Tour de France, was accused of doping. Now the Brit has been acquitted and is aiming for the fifth triumph.

WORLD: A doping expert, Fritz Sörgel, said in the aftermath of the Froome scandal: "Cycling is back in the 2000s. All the public relations work after the Armstrong affair is for cat. "

Kittel: I do not think so people did not understand what it was about, of course, doping is a complex issue and we have a situation that reveals problems in regulation.I also should not forget that it is not a special regulation on cycling, but rules of the highest doping control authority in the world, It is high time for the Wada to unambiguously define its rules, for the sake of its own credibility

WORLD: Is Froome now a red cloth for you?

Kittel: For me, the first thing is true the presumption of innocence, otherwise I focus now on myself and my team.

Contador: Froome bad box for cycling [19659051] The video could not be played.
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The ex-pr Alberto Contador is upset by the long-standing doping process of last year's winner, Chris Froome, who pollutes cycling before the Tour de France.

WORLD: Last year, you said five stages during the tour: "I am now the strongest of all time." Are you even stronger this year?

Kittel: [19659012] Really, did I say that? I now weigh 88 kilograms, my competitive weight. At workout, I did everything to be fit again. I returned to Colorado for the high altitude training camp. I could train myself optimally. Of course, the season has not gone very well, but now the Tour de France is just beginning and I have hope.

WORLD: They changed team and are now captain of the Swiss team Katusha Alpecin,

Smock: That gave me a new motivation. I feel very good there. With Rick Zabel, Tony Martin and Nils Politt, I have three German colleagues in the gear train, with whom I can achieve great things.

WORLD: Concretely?


WORLD: Forgive me? But that seems modest in light of the successes of your previous year.

Kittel: I do not think about last year. It would be fatal to tour like this.

WORLD: What significance do statistics have for you? In the ranking of the most important victories, you are the best German with 14 wins in 13th place.

Kittel: The numbers do not play a big role for me. This makes me proud, however, of being a record holder of a German record

WORLD: This is what the French praise as a bulldozer, furniture mover or "The Kaiser ". What is the most appropriate name?

Kittel: None. Smock stays blouse.

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