Transport Minister Announces More Diesel Checks – Michael Warren


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Source: About Us News Agency

GDN – Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer (CSU) "can not rule out" that he will oblige German automobile industry to other reminders. "We will continue to examine," said the CSU politician, the "Handelsblatt" (Monday issue).

"This is a continuous market surveillance procedure." Scheuer was "angry and sad that we needed all the time needed to deal with these mistakes, as has already been done." This made her sick, because these debates undermine the location and hundreds of thousands of jobs. The errors should finally be eliminated. "Made in Germany has scratches." Scheuer recently hired Daimler AG to recall 774,000 cars. In general, the German car industry is doing very well: "But we can not lose a minute now – the times are over when German managers could look down on the competition of the big horse, others do not sleep ". At the same time, the Minister of Transport has also attacked car brands from other European countries: "We are also testing vehicles of other manufacturers and find that their test results partially exceed the ceiling. "We can not do anything because they're getting their license. a lot, "said Scheuer the" Handelsblatt. "His conclusion:" We are standardizing every bright pole at European level, but where the European car industry could really be an engine of innovation for the rest of the world with a Certification strict, transparent and common, we will fall back into national patterns.

Tags: Company, Road Traffic, Automotive Industry, Deu

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