Trump again attacks the OPEC – "now cut prices"


Donald Trump

"The monopoly of Opec must remember that gasoline prices rise and do nothing to help."

(Photo: AP)

London, Washington United States President Donald Trump again accuses the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) of rising oil prices. petrol. "The monopoly of Opep must remember that gas prices rise and provide little help," writes Trump on Twitter Wednesday.

Rising gas prices could be a headache for the Republican before the November general election. He wants to stimulate the US economy with his tax cuts and the withdrawal of regulation. However, rising oil prices could dampen the recovery by costing households and businesses a lot of money.

Trump accused Opep in his tweet that the organization would drive up prices, "while the United States is very supportive of a lot of its members … defend little money." It is not a one way street. "Now, reduce prices," Trump demanded.

Trump had already repeatedly pillared the cartel this year because of oil prices. "Oil prices are too high, Opec is back," he wrote, for example, in June. "Not good!" According to the Bureau of Representatives, Saudi Arabia, as a prominent member of OPEC, is ready to increase its oil production when needed.

However, the US President continues to promote price increases that he criticizes. In addition to failures in many countries, including Libya and Venezuela, a new oil shortage threatens US sanctions against Iran.

As a result of the nuclear dispute with Iran, the United States claimed oil imports in November to stop. An Iranian commander then threatened to block the Strait of Ormuz, one of the most important shipping lanes in the world.

"If they want to stop Iran's oil exports, we will not allow oil to pbad through the Strait of Ormuz" Ismail Kousari, a commander of the Revolutionary Guards, has was quoted Wednesday on the Young Journalists Club (YJC) website.

A threat has recently been heard by Iranian government circles as gas and oil cross the waterway.

With the call for boycott, Trump wants Iran to accept harsher conditions in a successor agreement to the international nuclear agreement, which Iran rejects.

The OPEC and its allies have recently joined forces However, experts doubt that the announced increase in the race of 600,000 barrels a day will suffice

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