TV column "Marriage at first sight": drama on the altar


It could have been the happiest day of his life – but it ended with a tragedy. Already at the wedding, Tamara, 45, had tears in her eyes. What no one suspected at that time: she did not cry of happiness.

Nevertheless, she gave "yes" to Sascha in front of the cameras and in the presence of the future wedding guests – only a few minutes after the ceremony, to announce to her husband, in private, the end of their marriage.

But let's start from the beginning: before the wedding, especially Sasha is nervous. So nervous that even one of the TV experts worries about him. "He was one of the most nervous candidates", that is the conclusion. This does not help that television expert Sascha still wants to give courage in the last meters. Sasha almost collapse.

Tamara, meanwhile, is "relatively relaxed" and asks herself questions. Since the television expert does not have to rebadure her, it gives her rather good advice: "It's an experience and it can take time getting to know each other." First: she will not consider this advice. But it's getting worse.

When Sasha and Tamara meet for the first time, he seems to be blown away. Unfortunately, in her, this looks completely different, as she reveals in the following interview: "He immediately sought proximity, I felt that I did not want that, I 'd I was hot and cold, I did not know where to go from front to back. "

She thinks about the opportunity to say "no". But she did not want to humiliate or embarrbad Sasha, she said. "I did not know what to do, I thought you could not do this to him, I did not want to embarrbad him, he would have put me here, it could be a good friend, but not a man that I want to have as a partner ".

"It was a very bad move in the stomach"

After that, she gets better in the interview. "His touching is not good for me, it hurt me badly, I wanted to get up and walk, I was happy that he was gone, I 'm happy. I felt that it was the biggest mistake of my life. " Hat, no writer could have imagined that better!

In order to inform her husband of the change of heart, a clarification conversation must take place. "I realized you were not the man I was looking for." Humming, who sits! "My first time married, I imagined differently, it was a very bad punch in the stomach, I was not even married for 30 minutes with her and I'm already separated," Sascha is visibly touched. What's going on, Sat.1 dissolves on Sunday.

But there were also positive examples, such as Guido and Simone. They seemed to have a connection with each other from the first minute. The families of both candidates also saw him. "Give him a room that suits him." What a perfect start!

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