Twitter apparently wants to say goodbye to the button J & # 39;


Twitter should be the

Twitter should remove the "I love" button.
(© TURN ON 2017)

Twitter wants to remove the "I love" button. This refers to the interactive icon in the form of little hearts, with which users can mark a tweet with "Like". This is how the social network wants to fight social media addiction.

Twitter could say goodbye to a basic function of social media. That's what the British Telegraph writes. As the boss of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, said at an event, he was "not a fan of the heart-shaped button" and the company would remove it "soon" . According to Twitter, the "I love" button could be the cause of the addiction to "social media".

Like-Button should trigger an addiction to social networks

Some peers would like to be recognized by their peers, so it is especially important for them to have their tweets appreciated. So they share something on social media and immediately delete it if their contribution does not get enough of "I like it". To change this, Twitter introduced bookmarks this year. This allows users to save tweets privately and this system should replace the "like" -Herzchen term.

The boss of Twitter sees the button "I like" skeptical

Twitter commented on the report and wrote that they were reviewing "everything" on the feature to ensure a "healthy conversation" including the button I'd like. "We are at the beginning of the work and we do not want to comment on our projects yet". However, Jack Dorsey has repeatedly expressed skepticism about the Like button, as written by IGN. So, sooner or later, he will probably disappear.

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