Uber makes more losses in the third quarter


New York / San FranciscoAuto broker Uber fell into the red in the third quarter, according to media reports. Compared to the previous quarter, the loss of $ 891 million to $ 1.07 billion (0.95 billion euros) has increased, have written, among others, the "Wall Street Journal" and the "New York Times" Wednesday, citing the recent annual report.

Sales reached $ 2.95 billion, an increase of 38% over one year. This has considerably slowed growth.

Uber wants to go public as its rival Lyft in the first half of 2019. The company is so far private, it does not have to publish annual reports. Some figures, however, are presented to investors and still penetrate outside the US media.

Before the planned IPO of the mobility service in 2019, investors are watching the finances more closely than ever before. In the past year, Uber's losses totaled $ 4.5 billion. So far, this year's total is $ 2.5 billion.

As the Wall Street Journal reports, Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber's boss, and his financiers apparently wish to obtain a market value of $ 120 billion through the IPO. It is already obvious that the platform will not be profitable until then.

It is more likely that metrics speculate on the number of other technology companies considering future opportunities. Although Uber's total sales continue to grow, they post a 38% lower advantage than in the previous quarter (plus 63%).

The group's hot meal delivery service was particularly strong for Uber Eats. The volume of bookings has doubled, according to Uber, compared to the same quarter of last year to reach $ 2.1 billion.

With Dpa material

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