Unusual music premiere in Linz: "Two operas for the price of one"


Linz (APA) – With the new staging of the opera "The Clemency of Titus", the Landestheater of Linz presents an unusual project: Composer alongside Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the German composer Manfred Trojahn (born 1949 ) is on an equal footing. The premiere of All Souls Day in musical theater was well received by the public, not just friendly applause.

Trojahn has recomposed the many recitals of the work on the Roman emperor, according to which the musical theater of Linz even led to the publicity stunt, so you get "two operas for the price of one." His version of "Titus" was written in 2002, but has not been played in Austria yet. While only the harpsichord accompanies soloists in original recitatives – not even Mozart – Trojahn uses all of Mozart's instruments. For this, it characterizes the individual people of the action by the allocation of instruments, mainly from the wind section.

For the orchestra, but also for vocal soloists, the rapid change of Mozart 's style to the sounds of today is quite difficult. Under the musical direction of Martin Braun, the Bruckner Orchestra Linz showed his perfect skill for both Mozart and Trojahn, with clarinetist Kathrin Moser to note in particular. The new stamps really deserve to be listened to and attract the attention of the public.

The production of François De Carpentries, in collaboration with scenographer and costume designer Karine Van Hercke, adds to the antiquity of time – the act takes place in the year 79 AD – Baroque and clbadical to the digital world of the 21st century, The range of directional ideas from the world of dance of the Commedia del arte finally expands to the somewhat exaggerated use of the fight against digital fires in the imperial palace, beyond ridicule. Visually impressive, powerful ancient columns dominate the stage and turn into intimate spaces when needed. References to antiquity, baroque and contemporary world videos are striking.

The six soloists convince without restriction to act and to sing. Where, despite the title of the opera, women have set the tone: Jessica Eccleston for Sesto, Brigitte Geller for Vitellia and Florence Losseau for Annio brilliantly achieve the great tunes devised by Mozart. Hans Schöpflin under the pseudonym Tito Vespasiano, Roman emperor, gives the heroic tenor the hero "benevolent" and indulgent, and his many activities in the posture of Trump seem a little exaggerated. Finally, couples – who includes the agile Theresa Grabner as Servilia – and Tito give up private happiness to devote themselves entirely to his people. In the voices of the choir of Landestheater Linz (rehearsal of Elena Pierini), the ladies and gentlemen complete the overall positive impression.

(SERVICE – "The Clemenza di Tito", opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, directed by Francois De Carpentries, musical director: Martin Braun, with Hans Schöpflin (Tito), Brigitte Geller (Vitellia), Theresa Grabner (Servilia), Musiktheater Linz, Great Hall, 7.30 pm, performances: November 7, 9, 17 and 23, 1, 15 and 17 December 2018. www.landestheater-linz.at)

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